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          People of Selma, WAKE UP AND RISE UP, or you will soon be TOTALLY UNPROTECTED FROM CRIMINALS. In a move that borders on sheer idiocy, Martin and Jones have placed Lt. Susan Smith on paid leave indefinitely. Those who know tell us that Lt. Smith is one of the best officers we have and is well respected in the laws enforcement community...WHICH IS A LOT MORE THAN CAN BE SAID ABOUT JIMMY MARTIN!

          For years, Lt. Smith has PLEADED with the City to do something about the mold, rot, and decay in the Public Safety Building where she had to work. Her pleas to Martin, Jones, and Perkins fell on deaf ears. FINALLY, LT. SMITH'S HEALTH was adversely affected by the rampant MOLD in the building. Her doctor told her she could not go back into the MOLD INFESTED BUILDING because to do so would be life threatening to someone with her condition (caused by the mold)!!

          Finally, Lt. Smith filed a Workman's Comp claim against the City of Selma. See her complaint below. The injury she speaks of is a threat to her safety and even her life caused by MOLD. In a stupid and retaliatory move, MARTIN AND JONES PLACED HER ON PAID LEAVE. That kind of retaliation is strictly AGAINST THE LAW AND IS GOING TO COST SELMA PLENTY.

          Interestingly, in the first nine months of this fiscal year, THE CITY HAS ALREADY SPENT ALL OF THE MONEY IT HAD BUDGETED FOR WORKMAN'S COMP CLAIMS. Slowly, but surely, Perkins is bankrupting the City. And after Martin's resignation, Martin was reported to have remarked that he would spend the remainder of his time at the SPD GETTING EVEN WITH THOSE WHO WERE AGAINST HIM.

          The departure of Lt. Smith leaves Selma with less than 40 CERTIFIED OFFICERS. Less than 2 years ago, the City had 58 certified officers and experts say we NEED 70, considering the size and crime in this City.

          How much longer, Mayor Perkins, will you let Martin and Jones wreck this City? How much longer, citizens of Selma, before you RISE UP AND GET RID OF MARTIN, JONES, AND PERKINS??!