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          Using a recently formed LLC, the HOUSE OF GOD CULT has purchased the former Christian church building on Selma Avenue for $180,000.00. One of the leaders in the House of God cult in Colorado as well as in the Freedom Foundation, Jason Makaroff, helped form the Southern Progressive Investment, LLC, a Colorado limited liability company.

          With Makaroff signing the Mortgage Security Agreement, Southern Progressive paid the Christian Conference $20,000.00 and signed a mortgage for $160,000.00 NOW THE HOUSE OF GOD CULT HAS ITS OWN CHURCH BUILDING HERE IN SELMA BOUGHT BY A COLORADO FRONT ORGANIZATION FOR THE COLORADO HOUSE OF GOD CULT. It also has, Ronald Smith, who has been anointed by Mark Duke as Pastor.

          The documents which follow show the purchase as well as the organization of the front corporation which bought it. For years, the House of God and Freedom Foundation have used various organizations to semi-hide their activities and intentions. We thought, but are not certain, that at one time Mark Duke had said the House of God was not interested in having its own church in this community.

          NOW WE HEAR, that Jason Makaroff and his wife, Laura, who is a doctor, ARE GOING TO MOVE TO OUR FAIR CITY AND THAT THE CULT WANTS TO SET UP A CLINIC IN THE former GOOD SAM HOSPITAL BUILDING. We are very, very sorry that more and more of these cult members are coming to Selma. BE AWARE SELMA, THAT THIS IS A WELL CALCULATED PLAN BY THE DUKESTER AND THE CULT TO TAKE OVER THIS CITY. People can wink at the cult if they want to, but this is a very serious matter and the citizens of Selma need to realize what is happening before the Cult grows too big, powerful and rich to be stopped.

          Following are the documents about the cult's purchase of the church building on Selma Avenue: