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After reading the report of the last Selma City School Board meeting, this website knew that what happened did not happen by accident, but by design of Mayor Perkins.

Perkins demonstrated again that he is a power hungry tyrant who will use any means to get rid of anyone who does not do what he says. It is now Dr. James Carter who is in Perkins' sight to be removed.

Perkins wants an empire and must control everyone and everything. This conflict with Dr. Carter came to a head when the Selma City School Board built their new office building on Broad Street.PERKINS TWICE TOLD DR. CARTER TO ADD A 500 SEAT AUDITORIUM AS PART OF THE BUILDING. This would have made the building cost at least 3 times the money the School Board had set aside for the building. Being fiscally responsible, Dr. Carter decided against adding this large auditorium, which would have seldom been used, other than for Perkins sponsored events. Perkins became furious at Dr. Carter and embarked on a course to get rid of him by making Dr. Carter, The School Board, and the School System look bad in the eyes of the public.

Then Perkins announced that he was going to see that a new high school was built for the city. THAT ACTUALLY IS A FUNCTION OF THE SCHOOL BOARD AND NOT THE MAYOR TO DECIDE WHEN AND IF THE CITY NEEDS A NEW SCHOOL BUILDING. It is about time for the Selma City School Board to stand up to the Mayor and tell him to try to run the City and leave running the school system to the duly appointed board.

Under some very difficult circumstances created by Perkins' mentor, Rose Sanders, Dr. Carter and the School Board have done a lot better job running the School System than Perkins has done running the city!!