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Council's Budget

There are two people on our council that could never show up at the meetings and their absence would only be noticed by the public.

Before the council meetings it appears that all items have been decided on with the other seven and its only a matter of protocal to take a vote.

Representation by the city council is over two years gone.

A copy of the budget was forwarded to a CPA involved with city budgets and it was his opinion this budget is vague, confusing, non-functional, leaves much opportunity for hiding and mis-using money, and one of the worst excuses for a workable budget he had ever seen. He asked how a council could pass something like this and call themselves being financially responsible to the citizens. Seven voted for, two voted against.

Questions were raised but not answered because Mayor Perkins felt he would be "bum rushed with a bunch of trickery." What kind of trickery is involved in asking financial questions about a budget that is public knowledge.

The facts seem to indicate that he knew very little about the budget and he wanted everyone else to know less.

This website feels this budget was thrown together with very little regard for its effectiveness. A work session was not called intentionally and there is serious doubt that this budget serves the needs of the people.

This website also feels the $463,000 variance is being used covertly for political paybacks and rewards "cronies" that have given in to Mayor James (The King) Perkins way of socialized thinking.