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Public officials who, despite Rose, Hate Radio 105.3 and the Duke Cult, continue to try to bring jobs to our city. This is a true story related to us by a public official who heard it from the public official involved. One of our local elected officials was showing a prospect places on Highland Avenue for a business which would have employed at least 40 people. The company was looking at opening a store in Selma and in Prattville. After driving down Highland Avenue, the official and the prospect drove down Broad Street past City Hall, where Fortier, Leashore and four cult members were protesting, yelling and carrying signs. Although our local official did his best to explain away the protest, it did no good. NO ONE has heard from the prospect since, although they will likely open the store in Prattville as planned, BUT NOT here. THANKS FORTIER AND HATE RADIO 105.3 FOR COSTING US ANOTHER 40 JOBS.

All people of good will, black and white, can thank the Lord that thief JOHNNIE LEASHORE was voted out of office by the people who know him best - the voters of Ward 6. First, Leashore steals cheese and then shoots into the house of his girl friend and gets fired from his job at the Community Action Agency. Secondly, he steals more than $35,000 - according to the State Examiners of Public Accounts- from the Water Works by taking money he did not deserve. Thirdly, he becomes the poster child for HATE RADIO 105.3. Now there is a good role model for young people!!

We are thankful that Franklin Fortier and his sidekick, Leashore, can muster only five or six Freedom Foundation/cult members to protest against Cecil Williamson at City Hall. If the cult members had a JOB, they couldn't be out protesting in the middle of the day. How are they supported? Would it be public welfare from Alabama taxpayers? If people are not going to work for a living and are going to live off of the public dole, it looks to us like they would go back to Colorado where welfare benefits are higher than in Alabama.

We are thankful that the Selma City Council has the backbone to stand up to Rose Sanders and others who abuse the privilege of presenting citizens requests to the Council. At 65, Rose had just about determined to act like a human being and treat others that way when she unexpectedly got support from the Cult, whose leader had originally called her "the devil". Now she has a new cause and a few cult supporters, but we are thankful that no one joined her on the bridge the other day as she was out protesting against the Selma Times-Journal.

We are thankful that three of four council members have resisted San Randolph's resolution to condemn Dr. Williamson. Everyone knows Sam is just being used, but since he has chosen that path we want to ask him WHEN IS HE GOING TO PAY THE MONEY BACK HE STOLE FROM THE WATER WORKS. He was also cited with Leashore and Crenshaw for taking money that he did not deserve. Pay it back, Sam! And we want to say a word to our council representative, Dr. Newton: IN THE MIDST OF A BATTLE, YOU DO NOT JOIN HANDS WITH THE ENEMIES AND SHOOT YOUR OWN SQUAD LEADER IN THE BACK!

We are thankful that Dr. Williamson has the courage to stand against the outrageous antics of Rose, Fortier and his sidekick Leashore, and the Cult. PEOPLE OF SELMA: Remember, this is the last battle. Someone or some group will be destroyed before this is over. WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON??

Finally, we are thankful that people realize that what ROSE, HATE RADIO 105.3 AND THE CULT ARE DOING is ruining any chances Selma has to attract industry here. Please read the story with which this article begins. Why do companies continue to locate in Prattville and in little towns like Thomasville instead of Selma? Why? Because Prattville and Thomasville do not have a Rose Sanders, a Hate Radio 105.3, a Mark Duke, or a carpetbagger Colorado cult!!