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Following up on the recent breaking news of TWO MALE SELMA POLICEMEN CAUGHT IN BED WITH ONE ANOTHER by the wife of one of them..

This website has now learned the identity of one of the officers involved and is in the process of confirming the identity of the other. Both of these men are favorites of Police Chief Jimmy Martin.

We are a serious news reporting agency here so we are not interested in whether the handcuffs one of the officers used on the other were velvet handcuffs or standard police issue cuffs! We are able to confirm that in their fun and games one of the officers had handcuffed the other to the bed.

Our concern here is not what Selma Police Officers do on their own time-or on one another for that matter- our concern is that one of the officers may be one who is suppose to be going into citizens homes on behalf of a City program! This kind of conduct elsewhere could expose- NO PUN INTENDED- the city to liability.

We will continue to stay on top of this story and NAME NAMES if Chief Martin does not take action to stop this scandal or if Mayor Perkins does not remove Police Chief Jimmy Martin!