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There is a bad moon rising over Selma present and future!! We believe that all of the CLUBS on Alabama Avenue SHOULD BE CLOSED IMMEDIATELY! Not only because of the murders in the area, but for the future of Selma. We ask you to consider the following: The City, state and federal government are spending more than $20 MILLION on Water Avenue to make it a thriving tourist attraction. The Interpretative Center will be magnificent-hopefully more people will use it than the few thousands yearly who visit the center in White Hall. The city's $1.2 million amphitheater will be state of the art as will the Riverwalk and other attractions in then area.

Thus, we have a $20 million investment on Water Avenue and ONLY ONE BLOCK over we have murderer's row on Alabama Avenue. Even Ray Charles could see what is going to happen. When people visit Selma and Water Avenue, they are going to walk around the block- as tourists always do- right into a semi-war zone. All we will need is for one or two tourist to get shot, robbed or mugged on Alabama Avenue and Selma's tourist industry will go into the tank. We will be left with a $20 million boondoggle which no one will visit because of the fear of being killed or maimed. If our elected officials are thinking ahead and about Selma's future, they will begin the process of closing down every club on Alabama Avenue NOW!

HATE RADIO continues to be the epicenter for ignorance and lawlessness in Selma. For example, in the past year 14 African-Americans have been murdered in Selma and by all indications they were murdered by 14 other African-Americans. Even someone with little sense could understand that THIS IS THE BIG PROBLEM which needs to be dealt with at this time. Instead, what are the little loser LEASHORE and the phony Bishop talking about: the Klan, The League of the South, and Cecil Williamson. The defeated and disgraced little man Leashore is obviously trying to divert the people's attention from the REAL problems in Selma as he continues to talk about the Klan (has not been on in Selma since the 1970's), the League of the South( to our knowledge there is not even a chapter in Selma) and Cecil Williamson ( to our knowledge he is not responsible for killing anyone). The question African-Americans need to ask HATE RADIO is WHY DON'T YOU DEAL WITH THE PROBLEMS IN SELMA?

HATE RADIO encourages lawlessness in Selma in many ways. We actually heard Leashore and Fortier tell the people to not obey the city ordinance passed in the Perkins administration which requires people to bag their leaves for pick up by the city. The boys at HATE RADIO may think this is a small thing to tell people to not obey the law, but it only encourages people to obey the law generally. we believe that 2011 will see the demise of HATE RADIO.

We were appalled to see Police Chief Riley marching with the FREEDOM FOUNDATION last Monday. Perhaps he was on undercover duty, to give him the benefit of the doubt. Although the City had a city wide clean-up a week ago, none of the Freedom Foundation/ House of God cult members participated. however, they did get Ruthless Crenshaw to get 3 city dumpsters set up in Ward 8 so they could get their pictures taken picking up a few bags of trash before their march on Monday. Just as Ruthless orchestrated the FF members passing out false leaflets about her own city in Denver, she was up to her wretched neck in the charade last Monday. perhaps she should try to get her own Ward 7 cleaned up rather than trying to embarrass Ward 8 Councilman Bowie. Crenshaw has no shame. thankfully she was not elected to any position of authority on the City Council or the whole town would be in the throes of the Jesus-denying cult Perkinites.