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This website is under the impression that some feel this website and a group of people in Selma are blaming the mayor for crime. THIS IS NOT TRUE. This website is blaming the mayor for not having a strategy or plan to handle the high crime sutuation in the city. The following is why the mayor should be held responsible for his failure to contain and reduce crime.

1. Appointment of an unqualified police chief. (job given through friendship)

2. Allowing the numbers of law enforcement personnel to fall below minimum requirements.

3. Allowing the chief to stop extensive background investigations on new hire officers.

4. Allowing the chief to disband the Officer Review Board thats sole purpose was to evaluate new hire officers.

5. Allowing the chief to discontinue the psychological evaluations of new hire officers.

6. Allowing the chief to hire, at his leisure, officers who have been dismissed from previous law enforcement positions for various reasons.

7. Allowing the chief to put officers health in danger by the condition of their workplace.

8. Allowing the chief to live outside the confines of Selma, knowing it is a violation of local mandates.

9. Allowing the chief to decrease the number of patrol units knowing that crime is at an all time high.

10. Allowing the chief to promote without regard to the merit system and others officer's rights. (lawsuits pending)

This list could continue but this website feels that the above problems indicate why we should hold the mayor and chief responsible for many of the situations concerning strategy and planning which is the key to safety in this city. The Chief of Police is under direct supervision and control of Mayor James Perkins JR. You decide.