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          The following is a letter being widely circulated in Selma concerning the actions of manipulator James Perkins. Jr. and his autocratic sister, C. C. Perkins Pettaway and the mischief and division they have caused at Ebenezer Baptist Church. We print this letter verbatim because it shows that Perkins and those who support him are dividers and haters in this city.


And unto the angel of the church of the Ebenezians write: These things saith the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God: I know thou works that thou art neither cold nor hot; I would thou wert cold or hot so then because thou art lukewarm and neither cold not hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth.

What was the problem at the Laodicea Church? They were neither cold not hot; the church lacked genuine faith in God; its name means “People ruling” and represents the unbelieving, materialistic church of all ages (THAT’S EBENEZER BAPTIST CHURCH)

Let us look first at what happened in Ebenezer; Pastor F. D. Reese had anointed Rev. Ronald Craig to be the next Pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church. But I guess God was late calling Rev. James Perkins, Jr. to preach. So Mrs. C C Pettaway and Rev. James Perkins, Jr. forced Rev. Reese to terminate what God had anointed Rev. Reese to do. These two pulled what is known as flim flam scheme to replace Rev. Craig without him knowing he was fired. In the world, the police lock up flim flam artists. is THIS THE KIND OF Mayor we want in Selma, Al? He’s already made 8 years of mess. Let us not go back to the same mess again.

Some say the ex-mayor had changed. I thought so to until I sat in Ebenezer and watched the flim flam scheme play out; then I name him Saul, Israel’s first king. The Bible tells us what God did for him, that is, He chose David as King over Saul. Our best choice to victory is who God has chosen, Mayor George Evans over ex-mayor James Perkins, Jr.

Not only did these two force Rev. Ronald Craig from office, but they did it against God and against Pastor Reese’s will. They took advantage of an eighty and some years old, elderly man, the same man who anointed Perkins to be Mayor years ago, which I believe even Pastor Reese now knows it was the wrong thing to do making him mayor. Of course he could never say that because he is trying to hold his congregation. It appears to me Mrs. C. C. Pettaway, Ex mayor James Perkins has locked Rev. F. D. Reese’s jaws. I never seen the day Pastor Reese could not speak for himself, that is, what I call not being hot for God.

Then finally neither cold not hot produces lukewarm, which mean in Ebenezer, there are Big I’s and little you’s which create a lukewarm church, the kind of church which God spews out of His mouth, if the church doesn’t repent.

Jesus is the way, the only way, the first way and the last way; There is no salvation in Mrs. C. C. Pettaway nor in ex mayor James Perkins and company. Jesus died for you and I, was buried for you and I, rose on the third day morning for you and I, with all power in heaven and on earth.

Yours in Christ,


          We do not know personally Rev. Swift, but we had heard what Perkins and his sister, Synethia, had done to the Rev. Ronald Craig. We do not comment about internal problems of churches; however, what has apparently happened at Ebenezer because of ex-mayor Perkins is indicative of what happened in the city of Selma while he was mayor: division, controversy, strife, animosity, even hatred. Because of his dictatorial nature, micro-management style, and arrogant attitude, it is inevitable that wherever he is, there will be division and controversy, whether in the city, in his church, or in business. The man simply does not know how to get along with people, bring people together, unify a city or church or cause a business to prosper. We hate to see Rev. Perkins destroy the legacy that Pastor Reese has left at Ebenezer and we would especially hate to see him destroy this community as mayor.

          LOOK AT WHO SUPPORTS PERKINS! Crenshaw, Leashore, Ezekiel Pettway, Franklin Fortier, the Freedom Foundation. WHAT DO ALL OF THESE PEOPLE HAVE IN COMMON? They are all haters and dividers! How are they trying to bring people together or unify the city? They are not! Strife and division is how they maintain their power. People working together would mean the end of all of them!

          Because of what he did to the city from 2000-2008 and because of what he and his sister at doing to Ebenezer Church, James Perkins. Jr. should not be the mayor of this city again!