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          The background to this apology is found in the article we posted titled "Fix Is In" in which we said that Officer Miller and Tubbs, who were to guard the voting machines in the basement of City Hall, were Perkins flunkies and we wondered who would be watching them through the night.

          The wife of Officer Miller took great offense at what we had written and emailed us more than once about what we had said. We emailed her back promising that if the voting machines were not tampered with while under the watch of her husband and Tubbs, we would apologize and do it publicly. Officer Miller's wife has emailed more than once asking when we would apologize and post it as we said in our email to her.

          We are now convinced that the voting machines WERE NOT tampered with while under the watch of Officers Miller and Tubbs and hereby offer and post this apology to them, as we promised. Thank you for safe guarding the integrity of this election.