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The Netherlands
A Look at the Past and Present
Commonly Known for Tulips, Windmills and Wooden Shoes

by Scott
Mr. Dahms Computer Graphics
Sept 24, 2004

A basic outlining of the region of Holland.

Tulip's a widely grown flower of Holland.

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The Netherlands was originally a territory controlled by Spain and was originally much larger than it is now. That is because it was called the deutschland which was both Germany and the Netherlands. The area went through many changes in government due to war and the control of the land was shifted. Eventually the land was separated and the two areas became independent countries.

The Dutch people pride themselves on being a very accepting race. While being open to others, they are also a very family oriented people who pride themselves on gatherings and reunions. An example of this is a fable of the child and the dyke, where a young boy plugs a hole in a dyke to prevent the town from being flooded by the river. The reason flooding is so dangerous and dykes are needed, is because the Netherlands is below sea level.

As I talked about in the header when mentioning Holland what comes to mind for most people is tulips, windmills, and the infamous wooden shoes, clogs. There is much more to be known about the country though, such as while yes tulips are widely grown in the Netherlands the sell of tuip's stimulates the economy.

All rights not reserved Scott K.


~My Brain~

As Reported By: Scott K.