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Feel free to take these cute lil prep dollys and post them on your web sites!  However if you do decide to take a dolly the following 3 simple rules apply:
1. You MUST NOT claim you made these dolls your self! (I put a lot of time and effort in to making them, so I feel I deserve the credit!
2. You MUST NOT redistribute these dolls (in other words allow others to take the images from your site! Other peeps have to come and check pink palace out themselves in order to take these dollys!)
3. You MUST link me! (fairs fair!)
I would also appreciate it if you signed the guest when you take a dolly, but this is not essential. Thank you enjoy xxxx
P.S Not sure how to put images on your site????? Need to know how to link me???? return to the main menu and go to the help pages where its all explained :)