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an oppression51/gelatinous production

game info . concept art . concept art 2

11/24/05. Update by jerry

happy thanksgiving from the entire defunct project jackalope team to your family and souls! someday a true virtual universe will be made but not by us. and josh, i want my chips back.

5/13/05. Update by jerry

sure it's been 7 weeks since this site's been updated, but does that make us any less great? no, the answer is that we are no less great than before. we've just been studying really hard and learning how to make framed webpages! soon this website will be in frames! more frames than hasbro has games! oh and happy friday 13.

3/23/05. Update by nathan

Good news people. I just got Maya 6 Unlimited, and I will be either getting or ordering my NEW workstation this sat. I will finally be up and running.(Thanks for Maya jerry)

I know I haven't been updating very much and I kind of lost track of Jeremey's lack of updating. He needs to get of the effing ball. I think jerry has become the official webmaster. Good for him, I'm glad he has accomplished something in his short life. Later.

3/20/05. Update by jerry

sup whorez. its been a while, but we been busy doing some non projack related videos. Yo i really theenk this gonna be som whack ass stuffs when we complete it. nathans gonna model some tight houses in Maya (cause ima hook dat brother up with the shit). also maybe sometime ill do the biographies page. or maybe not. Later. Play me on socom II. Tag: [mmk] No Mercy

3/11/05. Update by nathan

Today marks a very spectacular and exciting day for me and millions of other people. Today is Mr. Hill's 50th birthday!, so jerry and I decided to make an update that would show him how much we care.

Now for the video game news. I should be getting my new work station in 2 - 3 weeks. Then all I need to do is install Maya and then I can start modeling. I hope I can get this stuff done on time because everyone knows that Gelatinous sure as hell didn't come out when I said it would. Later.

3/4/05. Update by nathan

sup bitches. Yo this gonna be som dank shit when I get done wid it. I'm gonna model some tight houses in Maya. If that A55 H0L3 jerry hooks a brother up with the shit I'll get started. By the way bitch, do the bio-graphies page. Later. Play me on Halo2. Tag: POWER5

3/1/05. Update by jerry

yeah sorry about that. i kind of got carried away with that last update. i put the new concept page up.. link at the top suckas.

2/28/05. Update by jerry

sup internet readers. welcum to my blogs. i uploaded new concept crud (but it isnt on the page yet so good luck finding it!) and finally put our logo on here (up above). also, someone remind me to do the biographies page--anyone. im going to redo the concept page soon; cause a hundred pictures vertically aligned isnt eye-pleasing. and we are trying to maintain a well organized website here. STRAIGHT HTML!! LETS SEE YAHOO DO THAT

2/25/05. Update by leethacx0r42069187

a1te intornetting FOOLZ j00 got HAXKED!!!!11ELEVEN. It is TIME T2 do teh submitng to us. if j00 thnk ull eva regane kentroll of ur awsem site, u riong!!!!!111ahundredandeleven!!1one!!!shift+1. i will hav contralll 4ev's so seaYA phoolz!! p'z out!!!

2/23/05. Update by Nathan

This update is going to be nice and short. Jeremy sucks. Later.

2/21/05. Updated by Jeremy

Well well, the co-creator of the world has made his apperance on this web site. Things are moving along with this idea. Tons of art concepts have been done and we have begun to learn programing. Thats all I got for now.

2/17/05. Update by nathan

Whats up intranet beings. I've got a copy of Maya PLE (Personal Learning Edition). It's pretty cool. I'm still waiting for the full version of Maya, (jerry, I need it!), so I can start modeling some cool stuff for you people. Jerry is working on the info page, so he should have that up soon. Jeremy still hasn't updated the site. This makes me uneasy. I feel like he expects us to do all of the work for him. I don't know who in the hell he thinks he is. Just because he knows how to use more video game creation programs than me doesn't mean he can slack. This wed. he drew what I believe is the first picture he has drawn for this game. He probably didn't give it to jerry either. I hope he reads this because he needs to pull himself away from Wheeling Park and his game programming guide and help us (jerry and nathan) out. Thats enough ranting for me today. Later.

2/14/05. Update by jerry

yo, just posting to mention that pics i drew last week have been added to the concept art page (link at top of the page). its 1 in the morning and i have a monday to go through when i wake up about 335 minutes from now so that's all i'll post for now

2/11/05. Update by nathan

Hello again everyone that doesn't read this website. As you've probably come to realize, Jeremy doesn't update this website. This is a problem because he is the project lead. This saddens be greatly. I wish we could just get through to him. Maybe tonight while he's laying in bed thinking about his life choices, he'll log on to the intranet and check out the website that he help inspire us, jerry & I, make. You, the gamer, the person that gives us losers something to make when we're bored at lunch, can help jeremy through these hard times. If you want to see project Jackalope happen, then you need to give jeremy a dollar, read jerry's post below. It's as simple as that. As for the game, well, we're still just throwing around ideas and trying to come up with something to make it interesting. Later.

2/9/05. Update bi jerry

if everyone in the world gives jeremy a dollar, he'll be a multi-billionaire. ill call it the "power of a dollar" campaign. so if anyone reading this website has a pen pal in a country without internet or technology/electricity in general, next time you send them a letter, ask them and their village to send us money so we can get this game. also we want accurate maps of how their huts are set up and if they have paths they want mapped into the game. just think about it.. you'll be helping yourself! you'll soon be able to travel virtually and visit your pen pals!

today, i uploaded some new conceptual art pictures for the concepts page. check it out.

2/8/05. Update be nathan

Whats up everyone. Check out the cool stuff jerry did to our super cool website. I bet jerry would feel even better about himself if you sent jeremy 100 US dollars to his paypal account. If you don't believe me just send him the money and then I'll ask if he feels better. If he doesn't, then you just lost 100 bucks man. See ya.

2/7/05. Update by jerry

hi peoples thx 4 reading muah websitesz. k now ima tell u a lil info bout the game n i HOPE HOPE HOPE u r interested :hehe: :-)~ OKay. This game when finished, will be an accurate representation of Earth. While you could compare it to today's popular free-roaming games, that would be a vast understatement. this game will involve every aspect of earth. all roads in the real world will be mapped correctly, we will eventually receieve licensing for all copyrighted material, including, but not limited to: car manufacturers, music, and what I'm most excited about - teen entertainment magazines (which you will be able to have delivered to your virtual porchstep!)
more info coming periodically, i know you're already about to drown in a pool of your own saliva

2/5/05. Update by nathan

Since Jerry told you what his job was I guess I'll tell you what I do. I'm the lead computer modeler (I make the 3D stuff), and I program, or will program (Using C++). I'll try to get some 3D stuff up when I get the modeling program in my hands.

2/5/05. Update by jerry

hi. welcome video game fans everywhere. this is the lead PR (public relations) and script writer for the game. (thats dialogue, not javascript... haha!) now that our site is up and looking better than ever, i will start maybe adding a few new pages to this website - with concept art of our game. thats mainly drawn by art madman josh puglisi. we have a lot of great ideas for the game so keep visiting (the updates will become more frequent as the project progresses) oh, and dont forget to donate your time to jeremy's penpal

2/2/05. Update by nathan

Hello fellow internet beings! This website is to promote a bitchin videogame that my development team is currently working on. We have code named it Jackelope. This game will blow your mind away with its realistic realism and it's hard core upside down physics engine. Updates along with some of the game details will be coming soon! So keep checking back and donate $100 US dollars to jeremy's paypal account.