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Posbda - Your Soapbox Stop

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 Welcome To Posbda Your Eastern Ontario Soapbox Stop! We are here for you! -



Posbda - Recent News

You’ve all been waiting for what Posbda had hidden behind the doors of an under construction page. Well now you get to see how easy Posbda has made surfing our site by using new easy to ready buttons as well as not using background colours that strain your eyes.
So Enjoy the new Posbda as it will be sticking around for quite some time!

May’s Monthly Chronicle is out as of now. Posbda has worked long and hard on the Fusion race and have very few tasks left to do which are all last minutes things to do. Posbda would like to thank you for hanging in there while we were under construction.

The Forum has 20 Member + and starting to contribute to the way the Csbra works. If you want to check out all the hottest news about Posbda, Csbra, and Paul’s Plunge, you need to sign up for the forum and read it all!

We told you we would be introducing the following pages in May “Posbda Records”, and “Posbda Merchandise”at our weekly meeting we decided to Produce only “Posbda Merchandise” and we have. You should be able to buy Posbda T-Shirts by Wednesday, May 10th , 2006.

Many new races on the 2006 CSBRA Schedule. Including the race here in Prescott. So take a moment and look at the Schedule the next race could be in your hometown .








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