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OCW -- Oakland County Wrestling™
© 2005 Oakland County Wrestling™ . All Rights Reserved

Febuary 2005
[None Scheduled]
March 2005
None Scheduled]
April 2005
23 [Last Man Standing]
{To Be Announced}
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January 5, 2004 - OCW Last Man Standing Announced!
Buck Wild vs. Furious D, in 1-on-1 competition. Also a Hardcore match between Cyclone and Wicked.. More matches have yet to be announced. 

Please continue to check back for more information and Match updates.

OCW Message Board will return very soon. Please bare with us.
OCW kicks off its season with its first event of the season "Last Man Standing." A date has yet to be announced for Last Man Standing, but we will be sure to bring you a date ASAP.

We do know one thing for sure the Prez will be facing a newcomer to the OCW, in a non-title Street Fight in the main event.

2 more Matches have been added:
Featured Talent: Buck Wild
Upcoming Events
Febuary 2, 2005 - OCW Event Photos!
Posted By: OCW Insider

OCW now has
GAC, WWC, and a few House Show events photos up-to-date, and they will be posted on the website, as soon as they are uploaded successfully! The Photos should be up within the month of Febuary, or when the server is stable.

OCW Message Board will return very soon. Please bare with us.
Coming Soon
Featured Photos
I also wanted to Announce that OCW will have it's first online interview segment SPOTLIGHT* in April and will feature myself and Guilty Association.

Last Man Standing will only be the stepping-stone for OCW as there will be many events to follow. Also the return of 1 of OCW's memorable Free For Views (FFV)

I will be back to announce more in the coming months, but until then check back for updates by the Webmaster!
Febuary 28, 2005 - Breaking News from the OCW President! Official OCW Update!
Posted By The Prez:

OCW will kick off the new season strong, myself and OCW would like to welcome you all to our first house show of the year Last Man Standing.

On another note, OCW is currently updating it's new and more professional website for all of you to enjoy!  Also a new Message Forum should all be up by April!