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My Friends Nicks Pics !!! Nicks Computer Info and pics :) About me: NameAgeGenderMaterial StatusFavorite MusicBest Traits Favorite FoodFavorite Singer all 3 cd's I have there all great !!!


My HobbiesLatest NewsMy fantasyMy days with a girl stuff I like too do with herMy Wedding Day: My wedding day I want it to be so special the best day of my life too be with a women that I can be for a life time too hold and too be with through think and thin just too hold her have her wonderful children is my dream ... My wedding day I want to have it outside in a field have white benches and in the roll where we walk will have roses on both sides so beautiful I love too have my women where white and then men where black and white. I just want too hold her forever cause that's how I am and that's how im going to be forever... My Hunny Moon : Its a secret for who ever is my women will find out alright I'll give you a Hint ( Very exotic) and beautiful im very romantic just imagine my hunnie moon .... My Last Words For The Website

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