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This is the original site of the NFCK boys… Together we will protest and rise up against the fat chicks who have made life hard for all of us.

In particular our inspiration comes from two particular individuals (undisclosed for now) who have for years lied and deceived guys, friends and even their family. They have stooped to lowest of lows and now it is our turn for revenge.

Feel free to join us (boys and girls) who have been screwed over by these fat chicks. Seek your own revenge. Simply forward your story or support to our email:

We will be happy to post your story on this web site for no charge as we believe this is a service to the community.


*Feel free to join our members list by emailing your name and email to us.





No Fat Chicks Klub

To contact us:



Member 007 “Fryzie”
Member 008 “H8lostdogs”

Only nicknames will be produced on this site for confidentiality reasons
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Quote of the Day— (Thanks to nick). “I will rain down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger, those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers! And you will know my name is the lord, when I lay my vengeance upon you!

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