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Message Board


The bastards that kicked me out.

This is it...


After a week or so, I've finally updated my site so it's not just one color! I should get a cookie or something!

Here are some studly college guys! Ladies, go crazy! The soccer champ from India is Shalomel. He leaves his clothing in a heap in the closet, but at least he washes them every now and then and takes showers every morning! Me, well, I'm taken... and you'll learn enough about me in my journal... The shorter guy is Sly, from Nigeria. Don't let his height fool you, he burns it up at the club with his smooth moves. The big guy is Jordan, but everyone calls him Canada, for obvious reasons... He likes listening to techno music on his computer/sound system. He's totally into Bon Jovi and Led Zeplin. If you like discussing how Canada is superior to other countries, then this is the guy to talk to..

This is me, James, and my brother, Chad. Weren't we cute? Well, what happened? I got ugly! Oh well, life goes on. So, as you can see, I graduated from Victory Christian School, and unfortunately, I left my brother in North Carolina to deal with my dad and all the other stresses that befall a teenage person in Elizabeth City. E.C. is a horrible place to live and raise your children, so don't go there.

I'll soon have pictures of me and my g/f together, but I need to find them, develope them, scan them, upload them, and then put them on my site! ~Peace~

Checkout the rest of my site: Click the "Go To..." option at the top of the page...













