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aaaa Welcome to my wonderful site... isn't it great? Lol you can tell that I'm painfully bored... I think I'll add some more stuff later, I... um, gotta go somewhere... yeah, that's right.... *hehe*

Why to visit my site:
1) I'm cool ^_^
2) my balloon has the bubonic
     plauge hahahaha
3) you're bored
4) I'll never update it!!
5) *spaz*
6) I talk about things you can understand

Updates: 4.7.03, updated nothing and never will, yay!! :DDDD


When I'm saying "nerd," I'm referring to myself. Haha yes, I'm a nerd, and I'm damn proud of it. I'm the honors kid that corrects your spelling and annoys you to death ALL the time. I'm the freak who does their homework...

Yeah, and that's about all you get to know about me. You don't know how old I am or whether I'm a girl/guy... heck, I could be... Hillary Clinton... or Orlando Bloom. I could be your mother.

I'm so bored as you can tell, I mean seriously, I'm making a useless website on Angelfire! I lead a pathetic life.


There's nothing here! Okay, so by now you're probably thinking, "What the heck is up with this person, their site is totally useless!" Well yeah, I can agree with you on that, this site IS totally useless, I don't know why you're wasting your time reading this hehe.

Wait... I actually do have some content! Here's a pic of a frappuccino from Starbucks. I've never had a frapp, and I've only been to Starbucks like two times, and all I had was this raspberry slushie thing, no coffee. Coffee is nasty, it's like a drug and it tastes like water. Sorry if you like coffee, this is just my opinion ^_^


Xanga: it's soo addictive
EmotionEric: soo funny!
StrongBad: sooo funny lol!!
Big Bunny: mm... delicious!
Orisinal: cute games
R.U.P.: weird people lol
Muffin Films: muffins are good :D
Googlism: lol this is cool
Hobbang: cute Korean site interesting stuff
O.L.G.A.: tabs for guitarists
Phong: tutorials and stuff
Deskmod: tons of skins, etc.
Bored: well if you're bored...
Rhymezone: useful for poets
Yahoo Launch: music videos galore
Aim Smileys: self-explanatory
AnimeBGX: anime wallpapers
Cloford: useful resources
HTMLgoodies: HTML is fun
MuggleNet: for Harry Potter fans


So you're here, eh? You know, you could be doing much more productive things then sitting on your bum and collecting dust. Haha imagine being lectured by a complete stranger... anyways, you could be doing your homework, getting exercise, bonding with your family, or... making a useless website like I am :D

Okay this was really stupid lol... so congratulations, you've just wasted ten minutes of your life. Good job. Have a nice life.

Credits: Angelfire for hosting and Sierra Nevada Photos for the background.