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Another one of those really useful pages on the Web.

I could have gone home this weekend. This would have been nice, considering my roommates in Santa Cruz are

  1. Sloppy
  2. Smelly
  3. Lacking a basic grasp on proper hygene

Yes, I could have gone home and

But, most of all, I would have liked to have spent some time with my cat, miralea. She has a led a good life, and has an excellent disposition; no matter how bad the news, she just points her nose up towards the ceiling, and jumps all around. Recently she was diagnosed as near-deaf in her right ear . . . added to her endless list of ailments and nueroses, including one our vet, Dr. Gonzo, calls "chasing flies." She constantly sees "flies" buzzing around her, which probably explains her pleasant and feisty disposition as a cat that, in dog years, is older than G-d. But me and mom prefer to think of her as a really, really happy (instead of really, really sick) cat.

Here is a picture of my father torturing Miralea (he's always loved doing it, and she's never seemed to mind):

Alas, I spent my weekend slaving over a hot computer, typing weird stuff like H1 and alligator less-than and greater-than symbols, which was a little tough at times but got me serious street cred. around the house when my roommates saw what I was doing. If they only got that excited about doing the dishes.

When I'm not building super high-tech, super useful websites, I can be found at the onion. I have based most of my life-altering decisions of the last three years of my life on their horoscopes, and so far they've done a pretty good job.

If you feel like something else should go on this page, or if you're just feeling a little lonely, drop me an e-mail.