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Mike's Home Page

Hello, my name is Mike, and you may know me better as mikkeey123 from SCN. Anyways, I just made a simple page in case you wanted to get to know me better. Yes, I am still working on this site, trying to squeeze it in somewhere in my hectic life.

This is a picture of my dog Benji

Well what can I say about myself? I'm striaght, but absolutly have nothing agianst gay or bi people. I am fun, out-going, and love to laugh and have fun with my friends. I hope to be a teacher when I'm older, and I've always said, "The day I move out, I'm getting a dog and a ferrett." I always love animals, Right now we have a dog and a rabbit, but we used to have a cat and a hamster (two very sad stories, e-mail me if you want to hear them). Anyways alot of people ask me why I use the username mikkeey or mikkeey123 everywhere. Well, alot of my friends call me Mikey, so when I went to register for Hotmail, mikey was already taken :-( so, I used mikkeey, and now I use that for almost everything. But at SCN, I have no clue why I used the 123 on the end, but I don't want to change my username now.....and lose all my posts.

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