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? "News", or whatever:

October 16, 2004 - 6 month update.

I realize I havent updated this page in ages. Not like anyone looks at it, so no harm no foul.

School is kicking my ass for those of you not 'in the know', but I'm surviving. Started participating more in school activites and I'm doing some volunteer work downtown helping some local high school kids make art and supposedly motivate them to do well in school by showing them they can take something they love to do and apply it as adults. Good fun so far, apperantly we're going to sell all the art these kids are making to and go to New York, San Francisco and Boston to some galleries to sell their stuff... and its pretty good stuff too, so thats going to be fun.

What else.... still broke of course. I'm really enjoying the projects at school and doing art though, so its not too bad. So happy I'm not a science or engineering major or something, I'd fucking go crazy or die of boredom. Reading theory is nice and all but all the details.... ugh. OK, not gonna think about that now.

On the topic of art, I've added another drawing to the gallery I made last night at my friend's house. Yes, an actual update with a bit of substance. Nice drawing too(*insert sound of me kissing my own ass, remove unpleasant mental image*), so check it out!


June 9, 2004 - I am The Man.

Yes its true. I'm quite pleased with myself at the moment.

Got another slot of angelfire webspace and moved the audio files over there. That means no more 'the site is temporarilly down blah blah' when one of you goes on a music downloading binge.

Also got the message board running.

For some reason a phrase keeps coming to mind. It is from one of the greatest movies of all time: "Now I have a machine gun. Ho Ho Ho." I'm sure you know what movie that is from. Also, I rule.


June 8, 2004 - GRRRRRRRR

Ok, so I've been TRYING to set up a message board for the website. I realize the notion that someone might actually want to discuss the content of my website is laughable, but humor me please. So far all I've gotten when I try to create the board is the ever-lovable "Cannot Find Server(go to Hell)" message. This has been slightly less than encouraging. I've also checked the website info and APPERANTLY some of you have been downloading too much music as the site has been disabled 13 times in the past month. Shame shame. I may get some additional webspace and devote it exclusivelly to the music downloads... at least that way the other junk on my site wont get disabled by you fiendish cyber-pirates.

In other news, I've signed up for summer classes after all. Retaking Color Theory(the most boring art class in the world, but I need to get that nasty F off my record) and I'll be takin Digital Media. Why should you care? You shouldnt, but this is my website, and its all about ME ME ME ME. What else can I say about me... hmm... oh, yeah I'm going to be borrowing my friend Ron's digital camera to take pictures of all my art from the spring semester, so expect a big update about that sometime during the next 8 months.

I guess that'll do it. I'm going to keep trying to get that message board up and running. A guestbook was suggested as an alternative, but sorry Sivly, if I'm going to have a spot for people to talk trash about me and/or my work, they may as well have a way to interact and pool the criticism.



June 2, 2004 - New photos OH OH OH

I know I havent updated since March. Tough shit. Added a few photos that my friend Ron took at San Diego Bay that he plans to send to our old friend Annie from high school. Pictures of me always come out blurry and crappy but his camera was actually taking some halfway decent shots, so I decided to put a couple of the shots he took on there including two of me. Also put some shots from a mold I made with plaster of Paris for the final project in my painting class. The latex we put into the mold to make a mask was looking very weird when it was drying in the sun so my bud Javier took a few shots. Enjoy, bitches!


March 28, 2004 - Cleanup

Cleaning out some of the excess crap I've got on the site that I no longer care for. Also added a disclaimer regarding the music downloads below the "news" section.


March 26, 2004 - Poverty blows

So it seems these updates keep getting less and less frequent. Fortunately there isnt really much new on here to talk about. I've added my "review" of Passion of the Christ and I'm putting a couple more songs for download on this update. One is from the Kill Bill soundtrack just like "Bang Bang" from the last update, but this is the ending theme. I sometimes have this song loop all night as I sleep, it is very soothing yet has a spark of energy to it. I'm also putting in Bohemian Rapsody by Queen, its fairly representative of alot of shit going down at the moment, also since my spring break plans have been canned due to "financial difficulties", I'll probably revamp the whole site while I'm home for a whole week with nothing to do. I've had some ideas floating around in my head for a while but no time to do anything about them... that'll change soon.

Anyhow, here's those songs:

The Lonely Shepherd, by Zamfir(Ending theme in Kill Bill)

Bohemian Rapsody, by Queen

Remember to only download the song once and save it to your hard drive if you like it... dont load it up every time from the website, it'll cause the site to be shut down.


February 12, 2004

Been a while since the last update... very busy with school just starting, being broke and helping some friends with a bunch of things. Added a photoshop image I made about a year and a half ago to the gallery section as the only thing on this particular update plus a review of The Butterfly Effect and have added Chappelle's Show to my list of quality television which you should be watching. I want to start putting music files on here too but it'll probably chew up too much bandwith. I'll try just a short song for now and see if it dosent screw up the website. Save it to your hard drive if you like it and dont re-load it again and again off this website otherwise it will just shut the site down for a day and I'll have to take the file down. If you've seen Kill Bill volume I you will recognize the song, its "Bang Bang" by Nancy Sinatra. With a surplus of pomp I declare this the perfect update for the Valentines season.

Bang Bang, by Nancy Sinatra

- Miguel


visitors since December 20, 2003

? In the defense of Capitalism

A disclaimer for those who save the songs on my site to their computer:

? Political insights!

Coping with loss, the Howard Dean Way:

Click on the good doctor's picture and find out!

Presidential candidate Howard Dean giving his concession speech after defeat in Iowa Caucases.

? And now a gratiutous rip-off from Family Guy

Overheard at the coffee machine:

Oh no!

Oh no!

Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeeah!