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Let them Drink!
Save the Spidermonkeys ||| Bring water to the Children of India ||| Help Save Hawaii ||| Love the Trees ||| Feed Africa ||| Greenhouse Effect – A Better Car ||| Heal The World - Scholarship ||| Give a Donation |||
Bring water to the children of India. There are millions of children in India that need water now. In first world countries like America water flows generously, and few go thirsty, but in desert India water is scarce. India is a prime example of third world governments neglecting their people. Instead of funding water wells and water transport systems, the government of India blows its few dollars on weapons and war.

. It is now up to the generous ones with more, to give to those with little.

. The first few years and months of life are the most important times for our neglected Indian children to drink. They need water and your donation will give it to them. Please help.