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wArped tour'03 | gbook | |

THURSDAY; August 7, 2003

So yes, i did end up going. =) Frankie was kind enough to take me up at the last minute and give me a ride up to Darien Lake (thanks babe), and CorEy, Jared, and Chris came too. It was QUITE the ride in the car with them, i'll tell you that. :P We followed Jared's sister and her boyfriend and it took us the usual 2 hours to get to buffalo. By the time we got there we had to wait in a freaking line of cars which was frustrating. A bunch of people were just walking to darien, probably because they didn't want to wait.
We parked the car and shit, used the cool-good-smelling portal poddys, and then headed over to where the music seemed to be ;) We were a little late getting there because of the long wait, so therefor, I did not get to see my Count The Stars since they were on first. But something later makes up for that ;) Yeah so we went under the big pavilion and Yellowcard was there. We scooted our way to the front and it was a great start to the day. I was looking forward to hearing October Nights because that's one of my favorite songs, and i knew it was going to be at the end like Billy told me. :) It got me excited, so i took a lot of pictures of them. Then we walked around and went to some booths, and then i lost all my people. I was all by myself now! It was mostly my fault because i stayed behind in the Count the Stars booth while they went off to the next concert because i wanted to get Chris' autograph. =) I must have visited that booth a total of 40 times, i swear. Obsessive? OH FUCK YEA.
Anyway. I can't remember who i exactly saw. lol. I kind of walked by the stages and listened to each band a little then left. I stayed for a while at Glassjaw, though, haha, i moved my way up front and this guy came over and started talking to me. He gave me this little advertisement thing for his own band since he's from Rochester and shit. He was a funny kid i tell you. A little awkward but a cool kid. I saw Charlie there. I was actually amazed at how many people i fucking saw that i knew. Candace, Liz, Dave, ANDY, joey, Charlie, dickerman, mike, kyle, all those fucking people. Anyway. Glassjaw wasn't bad. I never really got into them as much as i uhhh wanted to. But i dont dislike Glassjaw. I left after a while. Since i was by myself i found andy and i hung out with him, mike and dickerman for a while. Then i went off to watch Less than Jake with dickerman, haha he told me to sit on his shoulders. Ummm, no man. =) LTJ was good i thought, they played "All my best friends are metalheads" hOLY sHiT i love that song. i Went back to the Count the stars booth every now and then, hahaha, to get pictures, autographs, tshirt, bag, etc, etc....etc......etc......etc...... The first one i met was Chris, of course. There he was sitting in the chair with a hat on, so i didnt really recognize him, i wasn't expecting band members to be out and about. So i said, "....chris....?......CHRIS???????" Hes like "Woah, hey?!" Hahaha. I was like whats uppppp man. We talked for a pretty long while, i told him i had talked to him online and gave him a few resources so he finally knew who i was. He SHOOK my hand, i was like hey babuh can i hump your leg. Anyway. He signed a sticker for me then i went back to watch more shit. I do belive the next band i saw was the All - American Rejects. Um, yeah so Tyson is one hell of a sexy bitch. I snooped my way all the way to the front where all these 3'5" teenyboppers were. I just wanted to get a good picture of my man. I stayed for the whole thing, he had so much energy, the man is adorable, i wanted to hump his crotch. I went and got a drink. Back to the Count the Stars booth, hahahahaha. This time i met Adam. HE IS THE MOST FUCKING ADORABLEST PERSON I HAVE EVER MET!!!!!! I say hiiiiii can you sign this for me? Hes like sure! I also said, will you take a piccccccccture with meeeeeeeeeeeeee? *cheesy grin* haha he laughed and he gave a rocker pose when we got close for the pic. I then went back up to chill with Mike Harris' Mom because i figured they would all be there soon so then i could go off with them, instead of having to LOOK for them. Mike came around and so did Kyle and this other kid, we went to alllllllllll the booths and got SO MUCH freaking free stuff. Stickers, cds, EVERYTHING. It definitely made me happy. By then, everyone was kind of just waiting around for The Used to come on which wouldnt be for quite a while. So we all just chilled pretty much. I went back to the Count the Stars booth, SUPRISE SUPRISE and got an autograph and a picture with Daveeeee. =) Hes a cool man. We tight. I finally found Frankie and all of them. I then took a picture of Frankie with Chris at the booth, since the stupid security told her to ditch her camera. She should have hid it in her bra like i did. Anyway. Yeah. So there was this one *ADORABLE* guy working there at the booth with Count the Stars. I was wondering where their 4th band member was but obviously, he wasn't there. SO i asked this guy if he would take a picture with me! Hes like, "OH, no i'm not with the band!" I said, "i know thaaaat. i dont care! you are cute and i want a picture with you!" I think that made his day =) He must have gotten sad with all these girls coming up and asking to take pictures with the guys when he'd ask them "Can i help you?" Hahaha. I put both my arms out like i was gonna hug him and pulled him close and he put his arms around me and *SNAP* the picture =) It was so cute!!! He said thanks =)
Asian boys kept staring/groping me. This is true. Yes.
We all sat around and waited for the Used to come on, since the majority of them wanted to see the used. I wasn't looking forward to it. I mean, i didn't really care to see them, but if i did it wouldn't bother me. I told Corey i'd go up front with him in the pit, and we got smassssssssssshed. It was FUCKING GREAT! We got sooo close and almost fucking died in the pit. Fucking crowd surfers had huge ass sneakers on and one kicked me in the forehead. Leaving me with an enormous bump there. I feel like my brain is swelled. Yeah so anyway. I took many pictures of Bert. I liked his hair. It was still dreadish, black, with a few red streaks. Hes a cool man. We made eye contact for a bit. Teehee. He then got on top of the really big amp or whatever it was and then jumped down in the crowd, holy shit that was high! I was like you fucking freak, hahaha. but i must say, even though i haven't been impressed or intrigued really by The Used, i must say that they were quite good live. I liked them a lot. The crowd all moved over to the next stage to watch The Ataris. I didn't feel like going back in the crowd since i was so beat up, hahahaha, so i told Corey we should go back to the "settle" part of the crowd. We stood with frankie and then i saw my guy who kept staring at me earlier. With black awesome spikey hair and a white shirt and this like bright blue eyes. HOLY FUCK he was gorgeous! Earlier i had walked by him and hit his arm and just glanced at him like, hey boy. Jared said that when he walked by him he said, "I dont know that bitch but shes hot." So then, of course i saw him quite a few times after that moment. It was like the little stand with your friends and glance at one another and smile. It was great. I loved it. hahaha.
We all decided not to stay for Thrice since we were tired, beat up, hungry and achy. We went back to the car but could hear Thrice performing from there. Corey and Chris took a piss outside. I just layed in the car with Frankie and Jared and rubbed my forehead. =( We drove off away from a reallllllly great night. We headed out to dennys for some breakfast and saw a bunch of warpedtourians there.
Even though i didn't get to see Count the Stars, meeting them, and getting a moment captured on film with them is more than i can ask for. It makes up for missing them in concert, times a hundred. It was definitely one hell of a great time..........


ash; asha; 16; libra; asian; sarcastic; smartass; black/brown/red hair; dark brown-eyed; non-employed; eclectic musical tastes; attemps to play guitar; writes; kurt cobain & bic runga are her inspirations...