Dedicated to my Sweetheart

Special and unique in every way...

Special and unique in every way

This page has only one purpose.... to give something special to my baby on here birthday.... she is the most amazing thing that has ever and will ever happen to me.... I love her with ever part of me and i always want to be with her.... she has given so much to me and showed me just how amazing a person can be.... I will never let her go....

To you: The one person to care
Alysha... it's 1:00 AM and I just finished the site we worked on... I’m sitting in my chair and I can’t help but think about you... I can't help but smile and think about everything we've done with each other, and I can't help but cry.... you've been so amazing to me, so gentle, so precious. All I can do is hope and pray that I can be just as much to you as you have been to me... You understood me when no one else bothered to try too... you corrected me when I was wrong... you laughed with me at all the great things we both love... and shared you heart with me when no one was looking, you've given me a part of you and it is the most precious gift I could ever know... your so special to me baby. I never deserved a second of the care you've given me... not one kiss or even holding your hand... but you still show me you care. Not one moment of telling me what’s on your mind... I've done such stupid things in my past and I've never been more sorry, anyone would have just turned away from me and never looked me in the face again... but you've not only let me look you in the face but I've gazed into your eyes so many times and never wanted to leave... I remember first holding your hand, and you falling asleep on me with my arms around you... wishing I could stay there forever, and later never wanting to leave your arms with our first kiss... but the feeling doesn't stop coming back because ever time we kiss the rest of the world is silent. Just so that we almost feel completely alone... just the two of us, our arms around each other... our lips caressing each others and us so close... your just the one... the one girl I could ever love... and deeply deeply love... I’ve grown up around people that love me but I have never loved anyone like I love you, and never felt as loved by anyone... I want to be everything for you, and although I can’t be, I’m trying with every part of me to be what you want and need... I know I cant give you everything right now but maybe one day I will be able too... I hope I spend forever with you...
Yours always: David

hehehehehe...... you just called me.... :D good timing and btw,

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday my sweetheart, Happy Birthday to yoooooouuuuuuuuu... :)

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