Elect Ariel Strauss

Finance Board 2004-2005



Where I am from: San Diego , California- well really Poway but who knows where that is? (If you actually know tell me.) I grew up on an avocado orchard and its really cool there so I ditched school a lot and that's why I can't spell too good (thank G-d for spell-check).

Interests: People mostly, I really really love people. But um well I also like soccer, current events, reading, the ocean- and well most things actually.

Academic concentration (i.e. What's your major?): Officially undecided, but I expect it will be some combination of Politics, Economics or a Home-Made major similar to the Social Justice and Policy minor.

Current membership: Publicity person for Students for Environmental Action (SEA), Klal , a Jewish pluralism discussion group and Tai Kwon Do.

Additions to campus: Fiction library. Composting of food that is currently being wasted and its use in a greenhouse.

What Finance Board does: The purpose of the Finance Board is to ascertain the validity and usefulness of a funding request made by an official student organization. The six members of the board meet every Monday evening to listen to appeals and to vote on to what extent, if any, the requests should be fulfilled.

Why Pick me?: It is important to me that I be involved and have a positive impact on my surroundings. One way of having such an impact is through an elected position in the Student Union; of the offices available I am most qualified to meet the expertise, time and character requirements of F Board membership. I work hard and think openly, discerningly and inventively; these are key traits of an effective F Board member. I also enjoy learning about the activities and goals of clubs on campus. F Board will be FUN .

The listing of requisite affirmative positive personal qualifications is in no way whatsoever intended to imply that any candidate is lacking any of those qualities, in fact I am certain that many of the other candidates are fully qualified. The references below are simply my perspective on what qualities are important; they reflect on my values and the personal characteristics that I feel make me an excellent candidate for F Board.

I am responsible.

Responsible = ability to respond.

Finance Board does not make policy. In effect it responds to the requests of others, it assists in carrying out their ideas.

Incumbency is not an entrance requirement . Experience on this board, though undoubtedly constructive, is certainly not as useful as dedication and good character.

Student organization funding effects all of us, just about every student is a member of more than one club, and the strength, prominence, variety and autonomy of student organizations is central to what makes Brandeis GREAT.

I feel that basically there are three essential questions that should be kept in mind while selecting a candidate.

Will he or she put forth an adequate amount of time and effort to intelligently understand each funding request?

Is he or she likely to treat each funding request fairly and open-mindedly without personal bias?

Will he or she carefully consider the overall value of request in relation the Brandeis community as a whole?

I feel that I can confidently and truthfully answer YES on all three accounts.

Pluralism and a wide spectrum of perspectives are the cornerstones of a modern and forward-looking educational environment and I feel that one of the central issues confronting this country today is the lack of vision and empowerment. Most students at Brandeis have ideas of how things should, or shouldn't be; I feel strongly that the world would be a better place if more of us worked towards our ambitions. Deciding to embark down the path of change is often a huge and difficult undertaking; in almost every project acquiring needed funding is a crucial, and generally complicated, process. I will try my utmost to make certain that F board assists in making this step as expedient and effective as possible.

Ariel- Simcha Y Strauss

Scope of F Board responsibilities:

F Board candidates and VOTING :


Tel#: 95728

AIM: a041585

Email: ariels@brandeis.edu

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