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Last thought

What this page is all about? You might be wondering. Well not all my work involves making bombs and explosions and working with high power physics or high voltages. On this page I will post my view of life. But instead of saying I believe in God or I don’t believe in that thing and that is it. I will be more scientific about that. Over my entire life since I was about 5 or 6 years I have wondered who and what created the whole thing. My thinking was so different and vivid and I have imagined so many things now it just overwhelms me. But only one of the theorys must be correct. About who and what created everything. Now over my entire life 16 years I have stumbled on many clues as to what really is going on. But as many people are doing at this very moment I have ignored all of them. Not some not part but all the clear clues. But thanks to my very good memory and my ability to remember a tiniest detail since I started walking by myself all I needed is some trigger some theory that could summarize all of the evidences together and provide a decent proof. Now about a half a year ago I have found a book, it is named “ Seth Speaks.” That book is the one theory that had summarized my entire lifes evidences together which added to one another completing the missing parts and proving itself over many cases to be true. This book is so concentrated with information that after 100 pages which it took me over one month I couldn’t read no more. My brains could not comprehend that amount information that is coming out of that book and simultaneously gets compared with my life’s images and moments from my memory of the last 12 years. I couldn’t read it no more. My brain got too overwhelmed with information and I started having often mental breakdowns. The theory is not of the simple ones to understand and not given to any person to fully comprehend the whole message that is trying to convey. If you have a good imagination. If you are a critical thinker and do not dismiss information as fast as it comes. Then only then you have a fare chance to understand a theory. If you think you have understood it well you are wrong. You have to feel it and taste it and smell it. You might not be able to sleep at night and you will walk as if in a dream state for a month or two. Only then you could fully say “I understand it”. Now I afraid I can not convey the whole information as well as a book does but I can add to the missing part from a book “evidence”. Well first of all you need to understand and fully comprehend an idea which I came up with over my long lunches ts school that every person thing or object finds a simplest way to coexist. It is true to atoms to people to animals to nature to anything you can possibly imagine and they all follow this rule. If you find something that doesn’t follow this rule then you need to think more and dipper. The answer is there. The answer maybe complicated but it is there. Now let us apply that simple rule to a newly born baby whose parents are religious. The baby will live and will grow up watching parents praying over a table every day before a food is consumed. Now let us examine what those people are praying about. They are praying thanking God for food, and for a problem that he had fixed for them and then they are asking god to cure another problem. What’s wrong with that. Well absolutely nothing. Actually this process eliminates stress from a person therefore making their lives simpler. Not only they are eliminating stress but also a process goes much much dipper then you could possibly imagine and at this stage you are not ready to confront it. A baby girl who is now a teen found out the same secret and fiends her way to coexist in this stressful time a simpler way. Now they go to a church every Sunday. They talk to god asking for forgiveness for something, and then they go to a confession to confess something that they had done wrong. The guy tells them do not feel bad. He tells them to be happy and he tells them what to do to fix their problem. There is nothing wrong with that. But it makes their life even more simpler. They do not think about nothing they go and do whatever that guy told them to do. Now they have done that something and then they are happy and feel as if god forgave them. And so they continue to live a good and happy life. Not only they are using brains of a person who sits in a dark cabin and gives them directions but also they feel happy that at any time god will help them and that they are not alone. But what’s wrong with that? There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. They have just demonstrated my simple theory. Now let’s take your case. You are reading my work right now. You may think this is really true. If you think this way you should read further it will be a great way to expand your imagination and get a sense of real reality. Although if you think this makes no sense then I sagest you stop now. Your brains are not developed enough to understand this kind of content. And you are demonstrating my theory of finding a simplest way out. This will affect your future and you will not be able to solve an abstract problem later in your life. If you are reading this and fending it a bit hard to understand but you don’t think it’s a crap then I sagest that you check out my page “how to expand your imagination” (sorry soon coming) and it will get way harder to understand later on. As you see those Christian family found a simplest way to live and coexists in a depressing time. They use brains of a guy in a Church they believe that they are not alone and god will help them any time all the time. They have no stress in their lives and sometimes they have miracles which I do not call a coincidences and not accident but they are absolutely real which pushes them to have a faith in God even more and believe even harder. Until they get to a point at which their live is so good and they become reach and live very well without much thinking done. But how is that possible. It is just not real. Here is a point where their logic stops working and all over a sudden everybody believes in God and everyone is reach and happy. But they are all using someone else’s brain and do not have a fool freedom as to the person who doesn’t believe in God. But let us examine a person who doesn’t believe in nothing. That’s a worse case scenario ever possible. A person doesn’t believe in nothing and gets depressed and then mental brake down hart attack depression and death. A miserable life. That person feels isolated from everyone and feels very bad about himself or herself. Now that is freedom that a person decided for himself. In freedom you life is more complicated and those who fail to gain more understanding of the real world they simply die off. Although if you chose to have a freedom in your life and brake out of limitations that a guy in church puts in your life and into your mental thinking. You are chousing a rough terrain. But that rough terrain that you are facing now will ultimately lead you home. Where our Christian family goes by a smooth simple life going on a smooth road which takes you farther and further from home. This may sound odd for some of you just because I used elaborative language here and so look for the meaning in between the lines. Now let us analyze what is wrong with a simple life. Well here is a great example of simple life verses a complex life full of problems. The problem with most of people is that they think too shallow and in a very small and closed timeframe. They think now and tomorrow but to better understand reality you need to think much dipper then that you need to think past present and future. Now let me illustrate with a simple way why should you chouse a rough terrain full of problems. First we have a cave man and a bush men. Cave man up north and bush man down south in Africa somewhere. Now hopefully everybody who had read to this point agrees with me that a person from Africa and a person from north have a different intellectual level if you disagree this material is not for you and I don’t know why you are still reading this. Now let us return to our cave man and a bush man. Both are men and both are equally strong and both are same intellectually capable to think and learn. Now a bush man sits on a big tree with a tree up on top of him with a big lives to protect him from rain. But a caveman doesn’t have a big tree with a leaves so a cave mean sets out to find somewhere to live. By doing that he develops a mental thinking that tells him whether the place is good or not. This is not simple as it sounds right now. The caveman needs to think of a place where a water is close by and a place where he would be protected against rain. All of the sudden it starts raining. A bush man climes on a peace of wood so a water would not get him and a tree serves him as a cover. But a cave man now found a cave to live in. Next a bush man wants to eat and that is a main challenge which makes him think. And so a bush man finds a banana tree and eats bananas and other plantations near by. While a caveman can’t find his banana tree and so he now has to think hard where he would get a food Therefore he sets out to find food. Soon a caveman realizes that a food is not that easy to find and finds that he has to eat different animals and a small plants to survive. The bush man has banana tree all year and a cave man has to collect and store food for the winter so he learns new skills each year. This could go on and on but the bottom line is that a cave man wanted to stay alive and he wanted to live good so he made just enough effort to maintain himself in a good condition and expanded his knowledge to make his life better. Now the bush man still hasn’t learned nothing. And now you have it a bush man discovered fire and a cave man now builds a space shuttle. As you see if you take a hard way you will seceded and if you take an easy way you will fail. So I am telling you now to take a hard way and stop on your easy going road to no where. Now as to an easy way you might be wondering where it leads you. Well just stay a while and read further. The next day in a public place preferably in a shop look around you. Observe the people. Look at how they move, look at how they dress, look how much make up they are wearing, listen to what they are saying. Now as you have probably heard from everybody that they are all equal but if you are free from the rest of the world then you should know that they are not all the same and equal. They all have a different intellectual level or as I’d like to call it reality steps. The more steps you have the closer home you are the less steps you have the further from home you are. (as I sad before. A mater is very complicated and you need to read between the lines”.) Now you have observed those people around you and now pick the person with a lowest intellect. A person who probably wears too much make up too much jewelry and a stile of speech is really limited to a swear words. Now I don’t want you to stick to a parameters that I have outlined here because as I sad if you stick to a parameter, to a rule you just simplifying yourself. So when you get all the things together and spot that person then that is your example of what happens when you take a simple way. (Those past lines came with considerable effort and on a very long time period.) Let us look at a Christian family. How come do they not become the some way as you have seen a gang member. Well I would ask you to use your head here and think a bit. The answer is that a Christian family is limited in mental step somewhere 3-4 and they do not go up and do not go down. If you examine Christian religion you might notice that it teaches you not to die of the despair and hunger but still do not go into a stressful world of high level of thinking. The Christian religion is just like a Nobel gas on a periodic table of elements. They are stuck in mental thinking at which they are not moving forward nor going back. So to summaries all this with our mental map or a road to home and away from home. The gang member that you have spotted in a mall is going off in another direction away from home. Christian family stopped far from home and don’t want to go home and don’t want to go back. You who had observed those people you are turning in a right direction home. (This paragraph came out of me incredibly slow) Now that you have understood (hopefully) why and where and the whole reason for you to expand you thinking level right now. We will go on further talking about faults of a Christian religion and facts that support it. There are some killer questions that a person could ask to destroy any belief. One of a major question is “If God created us then who created god”. Well that explains all the Christianity. But this question doesn’t only apply to a Christianity but it also applies to atheists and all the chmory chromy religions that there are. The bottom line is that this question can not be answered by our intellectual level. It may be sensible to think that there is no answer but there is it is just not in out power to understand and comprehend that amount of information. So we will ignore that problem. But everything else seems to be fine. But is there. First of all

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