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..:LoOk At Me...I'm OnLy LoOkInG aT yOu:..^.^



Hey...Yo's...Welcome to my site...Thanks For visiting though...hehehehe...I'm very happy to see you appearing in my web page...LoL...Now i'm not doing anything (fixing my page, and any other things that inclues home stuff) if you feel like you want to talk...or anythings like that...just contact me And i'll replying back very soon!!!i think...Alwase i mean...hehehehe...

I dont know if i'm even finish fixing this page...cause i had some others to work on too...hehehe...but i finish them already...heas my other site...for you to go and check them out...



Miss Amanda.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.Koolio ututyu.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.rturu

*_+ !FavoriteS !*_+!Do Not Enter!*_+!G-Book!*_+

Since i dont really have anything good for you to see...could you post some of your web site hea too..? i'm not forcing you to...but if you would love to...cause i would have more things for others to see... Thank you very much...^-^...


It is kinda crazy for me to post my profile hea...though...
It's the only thing i could think of...So hea goes nothing!!!

Name: Samandy Yang
Age: 14
General: Of course female...
Hieght: 161cm
Weight: To be Continue...LoL...^-^...wInKs!!!
Fav Color: of course...white...Hell yeah...tiz numba 1...Pink...hehehe...^.^*
HobbieS: Sleep...hell yeah...^.^, dance, sing, of course, read, and writing...
SportS: Basketball, soccer, vollyball, dance, every other kewl thingS...^-^*
Type of friends: Friends who knows how i feel...playfull...funny...a friend who wont take away things i love (my guy!!!) hehehe...j/k...but could be...^^
Type of GuyS...hehehe: has to be taller than me...playfull (jokes, not serous...also kinda shy outside but not on the 1 he loves..hehehe stupid...^.^) not too nice, not too mean...which mean...a regular guy...know how i feel...LOVES ME...^.^...You dont need to know the rest...

*_+ !back!*_+

Are you happy to be hea..?
Hahahaha!!!j/k...Man...What a day to day...
I miss all ya'll so ya'll miss me..?hahahaha
I didnt mean that...ehehehehe...
I just want you to have a very great time looking around
!!!Good Luck!!!

*_+ !..:HoMe:..!*_+