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Tuesday, 27 April 2004
Three questions, I need your help please!!!
Question...What do you do when one of yours best friends likes someone, but you do not like that person and it is bacause the person they like is a really bad influence?!? Should I tell this friend, or say, it os your life, hope you don't get hurt?!?

Question...What do you do when you know you are screwed for the ACT, but you have to take it?!?

Question...What do you do when your car wont start, it's fallen apart, you were late for work and the boss got smart, your panty line shows, got a run in your hose, your hair went flat, man...I hate that!

Posted by un/jwood at 9:04 PM MDT
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Tuesday, 20 April 2004
So I have heard from so many people that church was awesome the other day, and of course I was not there, so that was sad, but whatever. And I cannot go this wekend, because my cousin is coming home from the Air Force, I am so stoked! But I am sorry this is so short, I have to run though, appernetly I have school tomorrow, and it is 10:52, I need my rest!

Posted by un/jwood at 10:43 PM MDT
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Sunday, 18 April 2004
So these are my feelings.....
My little broter needs to learn how to do his own hoework and not have my parents do it for him.

My parents need to "Get off my back" because I am oh so very sick of them trying to get me to be perfect, Summer is almost here and I will not have any homework to do, and hopefully I will have to work so I will not have to go to the mountains with them.

But even though my family is making me so mad, I am doing better other then that, lets see here...Prom, wow so much fun! I loved it, I had so much fun, I am honestly so glad that I did not go with Jeff Holden, and that I went with Jeff Weston, call me crazy but I am glad I went with my boyfriend instead. So that was so much fun! And I was happy to be with Caitlin and Jenni and all them, but I was sad that Mary was not in our group, although when we did see her, see was a bit infatuated with other people, and ignored us kinda. But that is ok, I was fine!

And so now I am looking foward to Chatfields Prom, and I think I am going to be in a group with Heather and Alicia so that will be fun because I will know them, and of course Tyler and Brian and Jeff! So that should be a lot of fun, and I am what we like to call a, "control freak" and so when the boys do not even tell us where we are going to dinner or what kind of food it is going to be, I get a little, not worried, but, well I know I am not in charge! And that bugs be, but Jeff told me last night that he does wear the pants in this relationship! So I need to be more of a girl and let them handel it. Wish me luck!

Posted by un/jwood at 7:08 PM MDT
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Saturday, 17 April 2004
I know...I am awesome!
So what a weekend this is going to be, I went out to dinner with Tyler, Anthony, and Brian last night and that was fun, I was the only girl, then Jay and John came because they had a question for me, so they were stalking me, and then Caitlin and Elissa showed up, and so I had a whole bunch of stalkers last night. Then Tyler claimed that I was "feeling him up" but in all reality I touched his leg and seeing how my boyfriend is one of his best friends, he told him, but it was really funny, and we decided that when our "lovers" cannot hang out with us that we would hang out with each other.

Then we went to Garts and Media Play then I took Anthony home and we came to my house and I played Mario Kart and I beat Tyler because, well,
I am just awesome like that, but Brian beat me by like two freakin points, I was mad. Well I still am, and Jeff came over and we watched TV for a while.

Then today I had a nail appointment, and then a hair appointment, and lets just say, even though I do not have the make up and jewelery right now, I still look very nice! I am so ecited for Prom tonight, and I get to do it all over again on two weeks, yay!!

Posted by un/jwood at 2:55 PM MDT
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Wednesday, 14 April 2004
Cherokee People, Cherokee Pride...
So exciting things that are happening....Lacrosse is almost iver...sadness. And I have to work so much when it is over, I hope I do not go mad, that would be sad. And Jeff keeps telling me I should look for a new job, he knows about my hate for this one, but I have to get around to that, that would be nice but at Sylvan I do not have to work late and night and now have a realy reason not to, so I will stay with Sylvan for a while. And there is one week I have Kates shift all week, and that one sucks, but I only work to 6, which makes it ok!

Joey is asking someone to his Prom tomorrow...good luck you tool! And also Cherokee Pride, no Warrior Pride, you toll box...even worse. Anyway I do wish you the best of luck and will see you at mass tomorrow.

We have backwards day tomorrow and I do not have to be there until 11:05 and so I am going to help Joey and then I do not get out until 2:45 but that is ok, because I like the idea of it, and so I am happy. Then I have a game, and work but I am hoping that Jenni can cover for me, because I have ahuge orojest due friday and I need to get that done, and so we will see, cross your fingers!

And then I cannot go to Practice on Friday becasue I have to go down to the Sherman Street Event Complex, and so that is ok as well, and then we have Prom, after the slowest week ever! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this!

Posted by un/jwood at 11:02 PM MDT
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Sunday, 11 April 2004
Do not get me wrong, I love Easter, I love the flowers, the green grass that is often found around this day, the candy, and money but all of that, like every other Holiday is shun under the light so much more then it should be. Easter is a day to celebrate Jesus being raised from the dead, after being murdered, I love getting up and going to church on Easter because the Church is so pretty and it is so lively and happy, then I realize later as my mom hands me an egg with $50 in it, it does not even seem like a surprise, but expected, and so when I think of Easter, my siblings and I think, "Oh money for clothes" and we should really be thinking, "Jesus is being raised" and so I am not sure if I am the only person who needs to think more about God instead of money but I hope that you realize it is more then candy and money.

Posted by un/jwood at 11:51 AM MDT
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Wednesday, 7 April 2004
Everything is as clear as glass...
So lets see I have had a few good days this is one of the best weeks of my life so I am in a good mood. Well I was until I went to work today, I was reminded for my hate for that job and everything else that is pissing me off. And now that I have vented to my little brother and three of my best friends I am staring to feel a lot better. I really want to yell at some people and tell him what I feel and I will, because I am sick of them. And I am going to not care about prom because I have a date that I really like and who like me back, I am happy and done daling with others, I do not care! And so now I am going to tell people what is wrong instead of not, because that is not cool, I want them to know when they bug me. So that is it, I have a game tomorrow, that should be fun and one on Friday at the Stuttler Bowl, excited for that! I love it there and Yemma and Mary and I are decorating bandanas to wear that say "In Jesus Name I Play---Good Friday" Because we have a game and cannot go to church. And then I am playing two games on Saturday so I am excited and I have to go! Night.

Posted by un/jwood at 11:01 PM MDT
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Sunday, 4 April 2004
I want to cry....But I also want to jump for joy!!!
I am a bad person. I have problems, and I feel like crying, I feel like hiding in my room and never coming out, because I feel like crap.

But on the other hand, I feel so happy, I want to scream, I want to leap for joy, I want the world to hear me.

I am not sure how to act, I am not sure what to do, so I guess that I will try and go with it, try not to be a heart breaker, so wish me luck and if I am mean tell me, I have done enough of that in the last 10 hours.

This is wierd, I have boy issues.

Posted by un/jwood at 9:37 PM MST
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Wednesday, 31 March 2004
So why is it that when I am having problems all you can do is ignore me and act like you did not notice anything?!? I need your help, you do not care. Why is it that the only peron I want to talk to right now is "away" and no one else cares?!?

Posted by un/jwood at 10:49 PM MST
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Tuesday, 30 March 2004
I know I have been slacking....
I know I have been slacking but I have been really busy lately, lets see, where do I begin....

I went on a retreat this weekend with a bunch of middle school kids... fun, well it really was. I was exastuted. We played capture the flag and had a huge water fight and Yemma Senior and I played a prank on the little girls and freaked them out.

And I am going to prom with Jeff Holden, I am excited, even though it was not a cool invite, but still it is going to be a lot of fun! And I found my dream dress but it is like $180, so i doubt I will get it, sadness...

And I scored two goals in the level three game yesterday and we tied it 3-3 and then today wew on 4-2 and we have another game tomorrow.

Amd I do not havs school until 12:05 tomorrow and that is just english and newspaper, so that will be fun.

I have a fun weekend I think I am going to go Ice Skating and to the XLT and to play football with KP and Jeff and Tyler and Brian, that should be fun.

I got a new stick today, because my other one was broken, so that is cool, I am happy about that.
And for the record brendas favorite flowers are roses.

Posted by un/jwood at 10:29 PM MST
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