June 2003
CCS' last day of school, c/o03 graduation, Frederick's pool party, Tapioca Express, misc.

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CCS's last day of school : 06.0?.03

Chris and me

Chris and me yet again

Chris, Emily, Flora

c/o 2003 graduation @ Centennial Hall : 06.08.03

Emily and Pamela

Emily and Michelle

Connie and me being crazy

me =P'' and Ken

CoCo and I drinking


sisters: me, Roxy, CoCo

Frederick's pool party : 06.13.03

me and Ken <-- eating

Jen and Cherrie

Freddy diving off the board

me holding a cup of Mountain dew (I'm wearing Freddy's trunks haha!)

Kitty's profile

my Loverly foot!

me eating; I look ucklie!

Emily, Cherrie, Jen, Merian

Yes, I look UCK. =P''

Tapioca Express after the party : 06.13.03

Cherrie and Stephen

Sagat, Cherrie, Stephen

Lisa and Alex

Alex and Lisa; They're so cute!

I had fun taking the rest of the pictures below! =)

Hello Kitty UNO! (I think that's Cherrie's hand.)

haha! No stealing!

Mochi (Emily)

Ken's chest, Mochi's shoulder


Cherrie playing UNO

Ken's rear haha!

Ken, Emily, Cherrie

At Chabot (back in March)




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