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Your sun sign personality will be modified by your Ascendant or rising sign and your Moon sign:


Aries with Aries rising. You have leadership potential by the bucket load.

Aries with Taurus rising. You will have greater patience.

Aries with Gemini rising. You will really need to work at focusing on one thing at a time.

Aries with Cancer rising. You will be more sensitive than the average Aries.

Aries with Leo rising. Watch out for being just a bit too proud.

Aries with Virgo rising. You will have great powers of analysis and discrimination.

Aries with Libra rising. You will benefit from being able to see both sides of an argument before pressing ahead.

Aries with Scorpio rising. You will be more determined to overcome challenges.

Aries with Sagittarius rising. You could over-do the risk taking.

Aries with Capricorn rising. Material security will be very important to you.

Aries with Aquarius rising. Brings a humanitarian side to your 'me first', attitude.

Aries with Pisces rising. Makes you more sentimental, if a little impractical.

With Moon in Aries there will be a vulnerable and idealistic side to your fiery exterior.

With Moon in Taurus you will be fairly relaxed emotionally. This combination may mitigate against being too impulsive.

With Moon in Gemini you will be better able to communicate from the heart but may be too headstrong.

With Moon in Cancer you will be less hard hitting and aggressive than the average Aries.

With Moon in Leo you will be determined to make everyone proud of your achievements.

With Moon in Virgo you may question yourself a little too much.

With Moon in Libra you will be less inclined to 'rush into battle'.

With Moon in Scorpio you will be more determined but more jealous.

With Moon in Sagittarius you will be even more enthusiastic about life.

With Moon in Capricorn you will become more persistent.

With Moon in Aquarius you will be less likely to fall in love at first sight.

With Moon in Pisces you will be more shy and retiring than the average Aries.


Taurus with Aries rising. You have will be less fixed in your ideas.

Taurus with Taurus rising. You will be even more dependable and loyal and loyal, but perhaps a little too set in your ways.

Taurus with Gemini rising. Helps you to become more freethinking and flexible

Taurus with Cancer rising. Highlights your need for domestic and emotional security at all costs .

Taurus with Leo rising. Emphasises your determination to succeed, but could also accentuate those fixed opinions.

Taurus with Virgo rising. You will be brilliantly organised and extremely disciplined about everything!. Taurus with Libra rising. Will highlight your love of beauty but may emphasise a lack of initiative.

Taurus with Scorpio rising. You need to watch out for possessiveness

Taurus with Sagittarius rising. You are more adventurous and outgoing than the average Taurean.

Taurus with Capricorn rising. Makes you doubly ambitious, material security will be very important to you.

Taurus with Aquarius rising. Adds idealism to material hopes and desires.

Taurus with Pisces rising. Combines practical ways with sensitivity.

With Moon in Aries there will be a fiery and outgoing approach to life

With Moon in Taurus you have an even greater need for emotional stability

With Moon in Gemini you will need plenty of mental stimulation.

With Moon in Cancer you will have an even greater need for security on every level

With Moon in Leo you will be blessed with a great inner strength coupled with a need for attention.

With Moon in Virgo you will work hard at all areas of your life.

With Moon in Libra you will be even more switched on by beauty and harmony.

With Moon in Scorpio you will be even more sensual, sexual and determined.

With Moon in Sagittarius you will be more happy go lucky than the average Taurean.

With Moon in Capricorn you will be even more pragmatic but run the risk of becoming too serious.

With Moon in Aquarius you will be more detached emotionally and a lot more unpredictable.

With Moon in Pisces you will be more romantic but could be impractical.


Gemini with Aries rising. You need to learn to follow through ideas.

Gemini with Taurus rising. You have a greater ability to remain focused

Gemini with Gemini rising. Learn to organise yourself better

Gemini with Cancer rising. Makes you want to show off .

Gemini with Leo rising. Emphasises your need to be loved and admired.

Gemini with Virgo rising. You will be extremely analytical.

Gemini with Libra rising. Makes you fair minded but a little indecisive.

Gemini with Scorpio rising. Gives you an intense determination to prove yourself invincible.

Gemini with Sagittarius rising. Could lead you too over promise .

Gemini with Capricorn rising. Makes you one of the most hard-working Gemini around.

Gemini with Aquarius rising. Makes you more intellectual but even less predictable.

Gemini with Pisces rising. Heightens your sensitivity and opens up your emotional side.

With Moon in Aries you could be passionate but a little too flirtatious

With Moon in Taurus you will be more down-to-earth and settled in your emotions

With Moon in Gemini you will be more intuitive, a little known Gemini trait!.

With Moon in Cancer you will be more domesticated and family oriented

With Moon in Leo you will be determined to be noticed and adored.

With Moon in Virgo you will need to be mentally stimulated and could be over critical.

With Moon in Libra you will be inclined to believe that a good partnership is better than playing the field.

With Moon in Scorpio you will be more sensual, sexual and determined than most people of your sign.

With Moon in Sagittarius you will be even more set on personal space and freedom.

With Moon in Capricorn you will have your feet firmly on the ground.

With Moon in Aquarius you will need to work hard at expressing your emotions.

With Moon in Pisces you could find yourself yearning for more sentimentality in your life.


Cancer with Aries rising. Makes you more enterprising and outgoing.

Cancer with Taurus rising. You will work even harder than the average Cancerian

Cancer with Gemini rising. Will combine your ability to feel things instinctively with a creative thought pattern.

Cancer with Cancer rising. You will be even more sensitive and intuitive - and moody!! .

Cancer with Leo rising. Helps you have more confidence and belief in your undertakings.

Cancer with Virgo rising. Greater powers of analysis but a tendency to worry too much.

Cancer with Libra rising. Adds to your charm and ability to see both sides of an argument. Beware of becoming too laid back!

Cancer with Scorpio rising. Highlights your emotional nature and need to be alone when feeling down

Cancer with Sagittarius rising. You are more adventurous, optimistic and outgoing than the average Cancerean.

Cancer with Capricorn rising. Makes you doubly ambitious Material security will be very important to you.

Cancer with Aquarius rising. Makes you more unconventional than most Cancerians.

Cancer with Pisces rising. Don't be too romantic or impractical.

With Moon in Aries you will be more passionate and optimistic

With Moon in Taurus you have an even greater need for emotional stability and tender loving care

With Moon in Gemini you will be more independent.

With Moon in Cancer - accentuates everything about your Cancerian personality.

With Moon in Leo you will have lots of pride coupled with a need for attention.

With Moon in Virgo you will work hard at all areas of your life.

With Moon in Libra you will be even more switched on by beauty and harmony.

With Moon in Scorpio you will be even more emotional and intense.

With Moon in Sagittarius you will be more freedom loving than the average Cancerean.

With Moon in Capricorn you will have a great need for security and an appreciation of tradition.

With Moon in Aquarius you will be more detached emotionally and a lot more unpredictable.

With Moon in Pisces you will be more able to 'feel' what you yearn for in your life.


Leo with Aries rising. You will have greater fiery strength but could be extremely bossy!.

Leo with Taurus rising. You will have greater sticking power but could be far too stubborn.

Leo with Gemini rising. Adds to your creative flair and self-promotional activities.

Leo with Cancer rising. Makes you less extrovert and more sensitive.

Leo with Leo rising. Emphasises your lovable qualities but can make you far too bossy.

Leo with Virgo rising. Could make you reign in your larger than life behaviour. Can be very positive.

Leo with Libra rising. Adds peace and harmony to your life.

Leo with Scorpio rising. Tones down your extrovert side, makes you more secretive but equally determined to be a star!

Leo with Sagittarius rising. Watch out here comes the risk taking spendthrift!.

Leo with Capricorn rising. Downplays your need for glamour.

Leo with Aquarius rising. Highlights creativity but makes you unpredictable.

Leo with Pisces rising. Accentuates your romantic nature and sensitivity.

With Moon in Aries there will be a fiery and outgoing approach to life

With Moon in Taurus you could be stubborn emotionally and a little too lazy.

With Moon in Gemini you will need love, adulation and plenty of mental stimulation.

With Moon in Cancer adds a soft quality to your extrovert nature.

With Moon in Leo you will be blessed with positive inner emotions and a great deal of idealism.

With Moon in Virgo you will analyse your innermost needs.

With Moon in Libra has you appreciating the need for inner and outer harmony.

With Moon in Scorpio you will be even more sensual, sexual and determined.

With Moon in Sagittarius you will feel a need to connect with the inner you.

With Moon in Capricorn you will show a practical side to your emotions.

With Moon in Aquarius you will find it harder to show your feelings (even to yourself!).

With Moon in Pisces you will be more romantic but could be impractical.


Virgo with Aries rising. You will be more positive and enthusiastic, beware of being too headstrong.

Virgo with Taurus rising. You will have a greater desire for creature comforts to balance all that hard work.

Virgo with Gemini rising. Will heighten your communication skills, analytical and critical skills.

Virgo with Cancer rising. Makes you more sensitive and emotional.

Virgo with Leo rising. Gives you more of a sparkling personality and a love of the limelight.

Virgo with Virgo rising. Could make you a pessimistic perfectionist!

Virgo with Libra rising. Helps balance your critical ways with a love of peace and harmony.

Virgo with Scorpio rising. Brings and incisive thrust to your analytical views and gives you a brilliant memory.

Virgo with Sagittarius rising. You are more adventurous and outgoing than the average Virgoan. You are also less keen to find fault.

Virgo with Capricorn rising. Makes you doubly cautious and critical.

Virgo with Aquarius rising. Makes you less conventional than most Virgoans.

Virgo with Pisces rising. Could make you a lot more romantic but rather more vague.

With Moon in Aries there will be a fiery and outgoing approach to life.

With Moon in Taurus you have an even greater need for romance and sensuality.

With Moon in Gemini you will lighten up!

With Moon in Cancer you may be a sensitive, moody nitpicker at times but wonderfully caring the rest of the time.

With Moon in Leo you will be playful and practical.

With Moon in Virgo you will be doubly analytical.

With Moon in Libra you will be even more switched on by tender, loving care.

With Moon in Scorpio you will be even more sensual, sexual and discrete.

With Moon in Sagittarius you will be more happy go lucky than the average Virgoan.

With Moon in Capricorn you will be even focused on your material needs.

With Moon in Aquarius you will be more detached emotionally and a lot more unpredictable.

With Moon in Pisces you will be more romantic if you can stop worrying about it!


Libra with Aries rising. You will enjoy putting your thoughts and ideas into action.

Libra with Taurus rising. Heightens your desire for beauty and strengthens your will.

Libra with Gemini rising. Enables you to come up with innovative ways to get projects off the ground.

Libra with Cancer rising. Combines logic with intuition.

Libra with Leo rising. Makes you more exuberant and fond of the limelight.

Libra with Virgo rising. You will be extremely analytical and perfectionist.

Libra with Libra rising. Makes you fair minded but more than a little indecisive. Emphasises all traits Libran.

Libra with Scorpio rising. Makes decision-making easier and strengthens your desires and kinky behavior.

Libra with Sagittarius rising. Gives you confidence and the urge to spend .

Libra with Capricorn rising. Makes you one of the most hard-working Librans around. Don't neglect your need for balance

Libra with Aquarius rising. Reduces your need for a partner.

Libra with Pisces rising. Heightens your sensitivity, creativity and lack of practicality.

With Moon in Aries you will be more impatient.

With Moon in Taurus you will be even more romantic.

With Moon in Gemini you be more talkative and more fickle.

With Moon in Cancer you will be more emotional.

With Moon in Leo you will be determined to be in love and you may also be a bit of a showoff.

With Moon in Virgo you could be critical of yourself and others.

With Moon in Libra you will be even more inclined to strive for balance.

With Moon in Scorpio you will bring heightened intensity to your inner drives and a need for privacy.

With Moon in Sagittarius you'll be even more charming and laid back.

With Moon in Capricorn you will crave security.

With Moon in Aquarius you will be less reliant on a partner and more unconventional.

With Moon in Pisces you could find yourself yearning for lots of tender loving care.


Scorpio with Aries rising. Makes you fearless and energetic - and power mad!.

Scorpio with Taurus rising. You have a greater ability to succeed and greater patience.

Scorpio with Gemini rising. Causes you to lighten up and get more creative.

Scorpio with Cancer rising. Makes you more sensitive and compassionate.

Gemini with Leo rising. Makes you less brooding and intense, and more lovable.

Gemini with Virgo rising. You will be extremely analytical with an added sixth sense.

Scorpio with Libra rising. Gives you a dose of charm, tact and diplomacy.

Scorpio with Scorpio rising. Makes you truly invincible if a little cold and calculating.

Scorpio with Sagittarius rising. Makes you outgoing, optimistic and enthusiastic..

Scorpio with Capricorn rising. Combines a great sense of duty with powerful Scorpionic insight.

Scorpio with Aquarius rising. Makes you fixed yet unpredictable in your opinions..

Scorpio with Pisces rising. Brings sensitivity and tolerance.

With Moon in Aries you could be fiery and innocent in your emotions.

With Moon in Taurus you will be sensual and doubly determined to get the person of your dreams.

With Moon in Gemini you be less intense, more light hearted and even more intuitive.

With Moon in Cancer you will be more sensitive and vulnerable emotionally.

With Moon in Leo you will be determined to be noticed and adored.

With Moon in Virgo you will find it hard to reveal your inner feelings and could be over critical.

With Moon in Libra you will be gentler on others and yourself.

With Moon in Scorpio you will be twice as intense and twice as psychic.

With Moon in Sagittarius you will be less intense.

With Moon in Capricorn you will be more down to earth.

With Moon in Aquarius you will be more detached emotionally and more unconventional.

With Moon in Pisces you'll be less intense and more romantic.


Sagittarius with Aries rising. Makes you even more enthusiastic and enterprising. You can be too impulsive.

Sagittarius with Taurus rising. Adds practicality and realism to your optimism

Sagittarius with Gemini rising. Learn to organise yourself better as you're likely to be very restless. There is also a need to develop self-discipline.

Sagittarius with Cancer rising. Makes you more security conscious and domesticated than most Sagittarians.

Sagittarius with Leo rising. Makes you excessively extravagant and flamboyant.

Sagittarius with Virgo rising. Makes you hard-working and less careless.

Sagittarius with Libra rising. Makes you fair minded, able to see both sides of an argument before diving in and blesses you with tact and diplomacy.

Sagittarius with Scorpio rising. Gives you an intense determination to succeed and gives you plenty of sex appeal.

Sagittarius with Sagittarius rising. Emphasises all Sagittarian traits plus a love of life and great amounts of energy.

Sagittarius with Capricorn rising. Adds maturity and realism to your outlook on life.

Sagittarius with Aquarius rising. Makes you more intellectual and more of a truth seeker.

Gemini with Pisces rising. Heightens your sensitivity and opens up your emotional side. Makes you more of a romantic idealist!

With Moon in Aries you are optimistic and happy go lucky.

With Moon in Taurus you will be more serious about life and settled in your emotions

With Moon in Gemini you become a real social butterfly.

With Moon in Cancer you will be more domesticated and family oriented

With Moon in Leo you will be even more extrovert and determined to adored.

With Moon in Virgo you will be given to analysing you needs and desires.

With Moon in Libra you will be inclined to more open-minded and more romantic than the average Sagittarian.

With Moon in Scorpio you will be more possessive and jealous than most Sagittarians.

With Moon in Sagittarius you will be the consummate Sagittarian!

With Moon in Capricorn you will be more security conscious.

With Moon in Aquarius you will need to work hard at working out what you really 'feel' about anything. You'll also be a genuine individualist.

With Moon in Pisces you'll have a glorious mix of romantic idealism and great ability to socialise. A potent mix!


Capricorn with Aries rising. You combine fiery enthusiasm and energy with a grounded approach.

Capricorn with Taurus rising. Accentuated good-timing, patience, persistence and ability to succeed.

Capricorn with Gemini rising. Makes you lighten up! Also makes you more of a clown.

Capricorn with Cancer rising. Softens your sombre personality making you more sensitive.

Capricorn with Leo rising. Makes you work and play hard. Also makes you more sociable.

Capricorn with Virgo rising. The workaholic of the Zodiac!.

Capricorn with Libra rising. Enhances your decision-making capabilities.

Capricorn with Scorpio rising. Watch out for the need to control and manipulate. A Machiavellian combination.

Capricorn with Sagittarius rising. Leads to greater optimism, flexibility and creativity.

Capricorn with Capricorn rising. Very responsible. Needs to relax more.

Capricorn with Aquarius rising. Gives you a freedom-loving approach.

Capricorn with Pisces rising. Heightens your sensitivity and opens up your emotional side.

With Moon in Aries you could be impulsive while struggling to hold yourself back. Interesting!

With Moon in Taurus you will be seeking material security and you will also be pragmatic.

With Moon in Gemini you will be an extrovert and restless.

With Moon in Cancer you will be more in need of emotional security and traditional values.

With Moon in Leo you will be romantic and dogmatic.

With Moon in Virgo you will need to be solid, practical, steadfast, responsible and serious about everything.

With Moon in Libra you will be more tender, caring and loving than most Capricorns.

With Moon in Scorpio you will be an intensely private individual who finds it hard to reveal their feelings.

With Moon in Sagittarius you will be more happy go lucky and, also, more optimistic about your romantic prospects.

With Moon in Capricorn you will be even more in control of your emotions than the average Capricorn, so don't neglect them.

With Moon in Aquarius you will be more rigid in some areas and more unpredictable in others.

With Moon in Pisces you could find yourself yearning for more sentimentality in your life. This combination heightens feelings and emotions


Aquarius with Aries rising. You'll be even more enthusiastic about realising idealistic visions but could be too headstrong.

Aquarius with Taurus rising. You have a greater ability to see a practical way forward. Could be too stubborn.

Aquarius with Gemini rising. Learn to organise yourself better and stop thinking so damn hard

Aquarius with Cancer rising. Makes you far less detached emotionally and more sentimental .

Aquarius with Leo rising. You will be a financially extravagant go-getter!

Aquarius with Virgo rising. You will be extremely analytical and less unpredictable.

Aquarius with Libra rising. Makes you charming, diplomatic and more intellectual.

Aquarius with Scorpio rising. Makes you invincible when it comes to attaining your goals. Adds intensity to your emotions.

Aquarius with Sagittarius rising. Adds to your confidence and optimism. Gives you a dose of wanderlust too.

Aquarius with Capricorn rising. Adds a degree of pragmatism.

Aquarius with Aquarius rising. Could make you a genius or just weird!

Gemini with Pisces rising. Makes you a visionary, if impractical, romantic.

With Moon in Aries you will be an interesting mix of cool detachment and fiery intensity.

With Moon in Taurus you will be less unpredictable and more likely to plod slowly but surely towards your goals.

With Moon in Gemini you be more intellectual with a fear of emotional entanglements.

With Moon in Cancer you will be a sensitive humanitarian with a deep need for security.

With Moon in Leo you will be determined to be noticed and adored. You will be a freedom loving extrovert.

With Moon in Virgo you will need to be of service to humanity.

With Moon in Libra you will need to balance a drive to be part of a pair with a need to be completely free.

With Moon in Scorpio you seethe with passion beneath that cool exterior.

With Moon in Sagittarius you will be even more set on unpredictable, adventurous and happy go lucky.

With Moon in Capricorn you will have a need for more tradition in your life.

With Moon in Aquarius you will be even more of an Aquarian. Is the world ready for you?.

With Moon in Pisces you could find yourself yearning for more emotional intensity in your life. You're also very intuitive and mystical.


Pisces with Aries rising. Makes you more enterprising and outgoing in addition to being a romantic dreamer.

Pisces with Taurus rising. You'll balance your romantic visions with plenty of determination and common sense.

Pisces with Gemini rising. Makes you more detached emotionally and better at putting your ideas across.

Pisces with Cancer rising. You will be even more sensitive and intuitive - and moody!

Pisces with Leo rising. Helps you have more confidence and belief in your undertakings.

Pisces with Virgo rising. Greater powers of analysis but a tendency to worry too much. Adds discipline and organisation.

Pisces with Libra rising. Adds to your caring ways, charm and ability to see both sides of an argument. Beware of becoming too vacillating!

Pisces with Scorpio rising. Highlights your psychic abilities and turns you into a power player!

Pisces with Sagittarius rising. You are more fun loving, freedom loving and energetic than the typical Piscean.

Pisces with Capricorn rising. Makes you more of a workaholic than a dreamer.

Pisces with Aquarius rising. Makes you more unpredictable than most Pisceans.

Pisces with Pisces rising. A Pisces par excellence! may have untapped artistic ability.

With Moon in Aries you will be impatient to express your innermost desires and needs.

With Moon in Taurus Moon in Taurus brings a distinctly practical note to everything that you feel.

With Moon in Gemini you will be need plenty of mental stimulation and lots of romance.

With Moon in Cancer - accentuates your need for and ability to give lots of TLC..

With Moon in Leo you will be a dogmatic romantic.

With Moon in Virgo you be less gullible and more analytical.

With Moon in Libra you will be even more switched on by beauty and harmony.

With Moon in Scorpio you will be even more idealistic, intense and compassionate.

With Moon in Sagittarius you will be more adventurous than the average Piscean.

With Moon in Capricorn you will be more serious about life than the average Piscean.

With Moon in Aquarius you will be more detached emotionally and a lot more unpredictable.

With Moon in Pisces you will be amazingly psychic and compassionate but keep that addictive nature in check.