Guild Newbies

Welcome Newbies!

Newbie Packs

I'm afraid at the moment there is no newbie pack system running, but if you neomail Multi_Lizard I am sure he would sort something out for you!

About the Guild

This guild was created by four people; Multi_Lizard, SummerFwend, DarkFaerieGirl27 and Giveawaywoman. Multi_Lizard made it, then the rest of us joined. Since then we've been working on ~Island Paradise!~ to make it a fantastic place to be.

Ways to become Higher in the guild

There are certain things that will automatically gain you a higher position:

Donate money/items

Start up a good guild shop, newspaper, website

Get at least 5 members to join (they must tell us you were the one who told them to join)

These things will definitely help you:

Be an active member at the message boards with good, interesting messages

Get another member to join the guild.