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The Elite Teachings of an Insignificant MindFiction Gallery Projects Links Contact
         Hello and welcome to Insignificant Being. I'm really happy to finally get this piece of shat off the ground. It took forever! I now understand why most go for simplicity when creating a wesbite. The less things you have to link the better! And don't you just LOVE the look of the site, very dreary and such. i'm in a depressed mode right at the current moment. One of my friends is in rehab and the other's in the hospital. It's a long complicated story called my life! But anyhoo....

        I'm really excited about this whole site deal, I have tons of fun designing the picture you see to your left. I had to get rid of my Paint Shop Pro (which is very sad, but it hated me anyway) and got Ulead PhotoImpact. It got these really shibby features and I just abso-freaking-lutely love it (but I miss my PSP). But anyhoo, thanks for stopping by the site and I hope you all enjoy your little look around my hold in cyberspace.

       And this must be said, I must send props out to my new favourite website entitled Unspeakable. It's an Harry/James archive! And I'm absolutely lovin' it! So if you like the pairing, I encourage you to stop by her little site! I must also plug my Harry/Tom archive; Sinful Obsessions. It's in the process of  becoming, so there's not a lot there. For more information, check out my projects page!
