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Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal for the Depression

"The government must wage war on the Great Depression as it would on an armed foe."

- F.D.R.

This prophecy and mission statement held true for most of the Great Depression.  The Three R's proved to be a well thought out plan for the combat of the economic troubles facing the nation.  The New Deal would begin with immediate Relief and Recovery, and later, Reform.

  • Relief of victims of the Depression.

  • Recovery of lost money, lost jobs, etc.

  • Reform of the governmental system.

  • Roosevelt attempted to accomplish these goals through a system of "pump-priming" the economy--deficite spending in order to bring back activity--coupled with the institution of various programs.  In 100 days, what is known as "Roosevelt's Congress" initiated more government programs than in any other president's administration.  These programs, when combined with the right amount of determination and resolve, would soon become FDR's Alphabet Soup.  From that moment on, the New Deal would change America forever.

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