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The Hawksbill Sea Turtles


The Hawksbill's Head is narrow and has 2 pairs of scales in front of its eyes. Its Jaw is like a hawk and not serrated. Hawksbill turtles are very well known for their magnificent carapace (exterior shell). Their carapace was exploited for a long time by the fashion industry. Many have carapace which are mottled brown with dark and light spots and streaks, and the turtle's underside is light yellow or white. The different colors help to camouflage the turtle from potential predators.


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Hawksbill sea turtles may be found all over the world, including the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans, the Persian Gulf, and the Red and Mediterranean seas. They prefere their habitat consisting of warm, coastal shallow water less than 50 feet deep with plentiful submerged vegetation. They are commonly seen in Coral reefs, lagoons, inlets and bays. Hawksbills use different habitats at different stages of their life cycle.