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Name: Zhawhen (Zha-win) Malfoy (male-Foy)

Nicknames: Zha, Demon, Darkling, Lady Bitch, Troublesome Git, Ice Heart...

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Height: 5’6’

Eyes: Faded Dusky Blue

Hair: Starlight platinum blond that hangs in a tight thick braid to her calves (dyed storm blue)

Skin: Lily white almost deathly

Social Class: High, considering her families political pull within the Ministry and Hogwarts

School: Now attending Hogwarts after transferring from Water Bridge in America

House: She’s been placed in Slytherin after the hat debated with its self…

Rank: She holds no official rank as of yet…though her house dotes on all of what she says.

Gifts: She’s a known Parselmouth, and a natural with Potions

Pet: Cuddles; a rainbow winged king cobra. The beastie is about four feet long and an inch and a half wide. His scales are a breath taking emerald green and his eyes are all knowing amber. He acts as her owl, and friend, and was given to her by her ‘great uncle’ (really her grandfather but he hates being called that) Lucius Malfoy.

Personality: She’s a strange one smirking and mocking all before her one moment and the next withdrawn and almost frightened of others. It’s as if she’s suffering form a split personality….or is that seemingly tender side just another act?

Quote(s): “I have better things to do with my time then maim a mud blood.”

·         When challenged to a duel by Ari


Zha:: You think that just because you’re some fucking hero...that you can threaten me? I don’t care, about that...Potter...I am what I am and you and Voldemort can fuck off and rot I am what I am...because I have no choice.  Get bit!”

Harry:  (takes off his glasses polishing them) Is that all you have to say?

Zha: One more thing when you become obsessed with the enemy you become the enemy and the name is Zhawhen not Malfoy Professor

Harry: Right then....a months worth of detention and ((Zha smirks and flips him off)) 100 points from your house.