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Public Awareness on HealthCare Waste Issues

NOTE: This questionnaire is only intended for research and the information below will be dealt with in a strictly confidential manner. It has been designed to measure the degree of public awareness and their real understanding of the issues of Healthcare wastes in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.  Please complete each question by ticking the correct answer. Thank you very much for your cooperation. HCW stands for Health Care Wastes. 

Part One:        Personal Information:

1.      Nationality:    1  National             2  Non-National


2.      In case you are Non-National, how many years you are resident in UAE?


3.      Age  (you are kindly requested to write the number of years: )


4.      Gender:          1  Male                   2  Female


5.      Educational Level:

        1  Illiterate

        2  Less than high school

        3  High school 

        4  University Graduate

        5  Post Graduate


 6.    What is the monthly income available to your family (in UAE Dirhams)

        1   Less than 1000  

        2   1001 _ 2000

        3   2001 _ 3000

        4   3001 _ 4000

        5   4001 _ 5000

        6   5001 _ 6000

        7   6001 _ 7000

        8   7001 _ 8000

        9   8001 _ 9000

        10 More than 10000


Part Two:  General Knowledge:

 7.     Which of the following do you consider the most appropriate definition for HCW:

        1  HCW are any solid wastes generated by Health Care establishments during diagnosis, treatment, or immunization of human beings or animals, and in research,  production or testing of biologicals

        2  HCW are infectious, pathological, pharmaceutical, geno-toxic, chemical, radioactive wastes and wastes with high content of

         heavy metals

        3  HCW are risk wastes containing soiled or blood-soaked bandages, culture dishes, discarded surgical gloves, discarded surgical  instruments, used needles, swabs used to inoculate cultures, removed body organs, tonsils, appendices, and limbs.

        4  HCW are non-risk wastes from day-to-day wastes packaging, litter and kitchen wastes.

        5  All of the above.

        9  Don't know.


8.     Are you aware of the impact healthcare wastes have on the environment? 

        1  Yes                 2  No                   9  Don’t know


9.     Are you aware of the impact healthcare wastes have on human health? 

        1  Yes                  2  No                  9  Don’t know


10.    Whom do you think is affected most by HCW hazards?

        1  Children

        2  Adults 

        3  Elders 

        4  Sick people 

        5  HCW collectors and employees

        9  Don’t know


11.    How do you think the public is exposed to HCW hazards?

        1  By respiration 

        2  By inhalation

        3  By physical contact

        4  Through infected water

        9  Don’t know


12.    In your opinion, which of the following treatment methods is the best for HCW?

        1  Landfill 

        2  Chemical disinfection 

        3  Plasma pyrolysis 

        4  Sterilization by radiation  

        5  Incineration

        6  Discharge to sewerage system

        7  Thermal disinfection

        9  Don’t know


13.    Do you know that HCW hazards mostly increase:

        1  AIDS cases.

        2  Liver diseases. 

        3  Diabetic diseases 

        4  Cancer cases.

        5  Birth defects.

        6  Kidney failures.

        7  Cardio diseases.

        9  Don’t know.


14.   Which of the following items should not be thrown in the domestic wastes at home:

        1   Needles.    

        2   Expired drugs

        3   Infected swabs.

        4   Used batteries.      

        5   Old electronic equipments

        6   Pampers & ladies napkins of infected patients

        7   Pampers & Ladies napkins. 

        8   Surgical bandages

        9   Used plastics.

        10 Food wastes

        99 Don’t know.


15.    Do you usually place your HCW produced at home in the rubbish bin:

        1  Yes

        2  No (where do you place it  )


16.   If you see a surgical bandage on the street, do you feel annoyed by it?

        1  Appearance and smell 

        2  Impact on public health 

        3  Polluting the environment.    

        4  Don’t know. 


17.   If you see a surgical bandage on the street, what do you do?

        1  Remove it yourself.  

        2  Call HCW specialist for help.

        3  Panic in public.

        4  Nothing.


18.   How do you perceive the current situation of HCW in Abu Dhabi Emirate?

        1  Never thought about it.

        2  Gave little thought. 

        3  Concerned but not seriously

        4  Seriously concerned. 


19     How do you evaluate the hazard impacts of the HCW in Abu Dhabi Emirate?

             Bad                                                                                                                                               Excellent
    1       2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         10 


20.    In your opinion, arrange in order of descending priority which government body is most responsible for the HCW situation in Abu Dhabi Emirate?

            1   Municipalities.

            2   Ministry of Health.

            3   Ministry of Interiors.

            4   Department of Civil Defense.

            5   Ministry of Information.

            9 Don’t know.


21.    Are you aware that any of the following laws have been issued?


Never heard  Yes heard about  Yes seen it 
1  Medical Wastes Local Order  1 2 3
2  Healthcare Wastes Law  1 2 3
3  Environmental Audit Laws for Healthcare   1 2 3


22.   Which of the following treatment methods is currently followed to treat HCW in Abu Dhabi Emirate?

        1  Landfill.

        2  Chemical Desinfection.

        3  Plasma Pyrolysis.

        4  Sterilization by Radiation 

        5  Incineration

        6  Discharge to Sewerage system

        7 Thermal Disinfection.

        9  Don’t know.


23.   In your opinion, what is the most important factor in the local healthcare problem?

        1  More coordination between authorities

        2  More public awareness.

        3  More rules and regulations.

        4  More effective enforcement of regulations

        5  Anything else

        9  Don’t know


24.   What kind of measures are being implemented in Abu Dhabi Emirate?

        1 Community based programs. 

        2  Public awareness programs.

        3  More rules &  regulations.  

        4  More specialized staff in municipalities.        

        5  Set fines for non-compliance

        9  Don’t know.


Part Three:     Future Solutions:

25.   How far do you think that you can have an active role in HCW issues?

         Very poor                                                                                                                                Very active
1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9        10



26.   Do you think that you need to know more about HCW?

        1  Yes

        2  No

        9  Don’t know


27.    In your opinion, do the responsible bodies in Abu Dhabi Emirate provide the community and the general public with the necessary education about HCW?

        1 Yes 

        2  No

        9  Don’t know


28.    How often do you watch or read something about HCW?

        1  Always

        2  Not regularly

        3  Sometimes

        4  Never.


29.   Based on your knowledge, where did you hear about HCW?

        1  Radio/TV

        2  Newspaper/Magazine

        3  Clinics/Hospitals. 

        4 Teachers/Schools. 

        5  Information leaflets

        6  Affected person(s).

        7  Internet.

        8  Interested person.   

        9  Other


30.    Whom do you think should be involved in creating and implementing  awareness campaigns about HCW in Abu Dhabi?

        1  Ministry of Health 

        2  Ministry of Information   

        3  Ministry of Education. 

        4  Ministry of Public Works  

        5  Municipalities

        6  Non Governmental Organizations.

        7  Others 

        9  Don’t know.


31.    What media do you prefer to get HCW information from:

        1 TV programs.

        2  Radio

        3  Books & Magazines.

        4  Internet

        5  Newspapers

        6  Brochures and leaflets.

        7  Others 


32.    Which method from the following do you want enhanced for expressing opinions & asking questions about HCW issues?

        1  Telephone consultation. 

        2  Post

        3  Internet mail.

        4  Facsimile.

        5  Questionnaires.

        6  Bulletin Board

        9  Don’t know.


33.    Do you prefer forming an Environmental Police Department to control HCW incompliance?

        1  Necessary

        2  Somewhat necessary 

        3  Not necessary

        9  Don’t know


34.    In order to create more HCW awareness between the new generations, which of the following practices do you think is the most important?

        1  Introduce HCW issues in the teaching curriculum.

        2  Produce HCW leaflets, brochures and posters.

        3  Launch HCW awareness programs in the media.

        4  Establish HCW awareness centers.

        5  Increase attention to educate children about HCW.

        9  Don’t know.


35.    What do you think about this questionnaire? Or in other words how do you evaluate its relevance?

            Irrelevant                                                                                                                                 Relevant
1        2        3        4        5        6        7         8        9        10


             Thank you for your time