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Song i have stuck in my head this month:

My Friends are the coolest, here are some pics of me, and friends

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As i said my friends are the coolest, they rock my socks, even though i hate them most of the time lol j/k, or am I...

Kels-BFF ottawa,grade 5,6,7,8,and now 9 you are the best even if you dont belive that yourself. Eating lunch with you everyday is awsome!

Brenda-I've known you forever you are the funniest person i no. i love shopping with you and i love going to both camps with you. Miss you.

Mich-store crew and walking home was fun, you like owe 100 dollars form avendail, lol j/k WHat is up who me...we are sooo cool!

Trev-msn~hanging out~ ucher...i suck at that game~LOL

steph sz~We have to go to the movies!

Pat-Going to the movies and talking about TV with you is soo fun, so many inside jokes,like, the pain in my back is still here but the pain in my ass is in Canada.

Nida,Yumna-i haven't known you guys that long but i can tell you one thing, yumna you have really funny stupid jokes and nida lol you get all of yumna and my stupid jokes lol

Lauren-lol lauren,lauren,lauren you're gay lol

Paula-Good times, good times gifted with you is awsome, and queens is going to be just as good. BFF.

Amanda-I'm always on your soccer time, lol you are soo funny (funny looking that is, lol)

Nicole-lolwriting notes in math on my calculator aand making fun of Knight is fun lol

SAM BF- Ottawa wouldn't be the same without you! BF!!!!clap,clap Tainted love!!that's our SONG!!!

leah-you hurt me, you rock

SHupe-you rock

molly-you are soo funny

Leanna- YOU'RE MY HERO!!!lol

Erin- lol bells are fun ~ to become a man he had to become bear ~ lol~ BUTTON~

Able-walking home

phil-You are the coolest cause i see you all the time

Jamie- lol church is funny cause ya

Sheldon-You're funny, wired but funny

Led- lol you're in all my class's

