Harassment I
Harassment II



3 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
28 February 2005

Claim No. HQ05X00419
High Court of Justice
Queen’s Bench Division
Royal Courts of Justice
London WC2A 2LL

Dear Sirs

Please will you acknowledge safe receipt of the attached Acknowledgment of Service for a Part 8 Claim, and witness statement.

Yours faithfully
Broomleigh Housing Association

T Moore

Acknowledgment of Service
(Part 8 claim)

You should read the ‘notes for defendant’ attached to the claim form which will tell you how to complete this form, and when and where to send it.
  In the High Court of Justice
Queen’s Bench Division

Claim No. HQ05X00419

Claimants        Sarah Branson BA (1)

(including ref)    Geraint Davies MP (2)

Defendant        Thomas Moore

Section A

I do intend to contest this claim.

Section B

I intend to contest this claim

Give brief details of any different remedy you are seeking.

Damages and punitive damages limited to £200 000. This is my estimate of the cost of hiding from the Claimants, and those who's instructions they obey, in a foreign country, so that I am able to access to services, including medical services, without the Claimants, and those who's instructions they obey, blocking my access to that service.

The Court appoints solicitors to represent The Defendant, subject to the availability of funding.

I appeal the Orders apparently granted to The Claimants on 21 February 2005. These are permanent injunctions, which should not be granted, and I do not understand them. As far as I can see, for example, the Orders prevent me from publishing The Claimants own words, which, as far I can tell, say that the Claimants have behaved unethically and dishonestly. I understand that these Orders are governed by the limits of being reasonable, but I cannot see the limits on what I may say and publish.

There are substantial disagreements on facts. For example, The Claimants say the Second Claimant's home address is not in the public domain, and The Second Claimant even accuses me of following him to his home. The Second Claimant's home address is in The Electoral Register, a document available in Public Libraries and Post Offices.

I now invite visitors to my web site to compare the Electoral Register with The Second Claimant's affidavit, and The Claimants have thanked me for the amendment in which I published both those documents. Yet this does suggest that The Claimants have, by stating The Second Claimants address is not in the public domain, have acted unethically, dishonestly and committed an offence.

As far as I can tell, there is no question that this application seeks to resolve, and my attention is not drawn to legislation that allows for a Part 8 application in the circumstances outlined by the Claimants.

In most cases, The Claimants have not presented any evidence at all, to justify their need for the Injunctions, or that they have a right to the relief sought in any event.

Section C

I do intend to dispute the Court’s jurisdiction.

The court office at

is open between 10 am and 4 pm Monday to Friday. When corresponding with the court, please address forms or letters to the Court Manager and quote the claim number.
N210 Acknowledgment of Service (CPR Part 8) (3.01)

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Section D        Claim No. HQ05X00419

I do object to the claimant issuing under this procedure

My reasons for objecting are:

Mentioned in section C. In addition, The Claimants have made no effort to resolve matters before litigating. I did not received The Second Claimant's letter until after the deadline she set. Even if I had received it when she claims, that would not give me sufficient time to obtain legal advice, better details of what the Claimant meant by "offensive material" and the connection between that the Claimant's rights. As far as I know, The Claimants had no right to the removal of anything simply because it was offensive.

There are substantial disagreements on facts (some mentioned in section B).

As far as I can tell, since the application does not raise a question, and I am not directed to legislation that facilitates the use of Part 8 in this matter, this should not be a Part 8 application.

I am entitled to suggest The Second Claimant is dishonest, but these Orders say I may not make such a suggestion. He is a politician and many in society, including Members of The House of Commons, do associate politicians with dishonesty. The Second Claimant is not entitled to have The Court protect him from legitimate campaigning, which frequently includes allegations of dishonesty.

I am entitled to suggest The Second Claimant is not competent to do his job, although the Orders forbid me from doing so. If I am not entitled to suggest The Second Claimant is incompetent in his profession, that is an effectively an order that, should I vote in national elections, I must vote to retain the current government of which The Second Claimant is a member.

The First Claimant is not entitled to protection from comment upon her ability to do her job. I was refused an opportunity to consider additional submissions by The Claimants in advance of the hearing.

In their skeleton argument, the Claimants say "in summary, the Respondent has posted false, abusive, offensive and defamatory material on his web site at" As far as I know, this refers to one proposition the Claimants insist is wrong. That was not a summary, but dissembling language.

Section E

I hope to rely on solicitors to file my evidence. However, as this may be my only chance to submit written documentary evidence, I attach my statement of 28 February 2005.

Section F
Full name of defendant filing this application Thomas Moore

Section G


  I believe that the facts stated in this form are true.
Broomleigh Housing Association

Date        28 February 2005

Address to which notices about this case can be sent to me:
1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
  Telephone number:
no more telephone calls please.

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Harassment I
Harassment II

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Click here for the Court's response .

One might be forgiven for thinking the Court had not received it and these applications. Broomleigh Housing Association solicitors Cook & Partners order Judges and Court Staff to disregard and be rude to opponents to Broomleigh Housing Association litigation and Broomleigh Housing Association sponsored litigation.

The partner of Cook & Partners responsible for most of this - Mr Christopher Bernard - even writes letters under the same solicitors Lewis Silkin and Mills & Partners. How else did their 10 March 2005 letter refer Geraint Davies MP's and Barrister Sarah Branson BA's address in a case where they supposed to be denying living together?

Were this action brought by Barrister Sarah Branson - rather than in her name the name of Geraint Davies MP - she and her solicitors would have noticed that "error" before the letter was sent. Perhaps Barrister Miss Sarah Branson is too busy to read this web site - whatever "her" solicitors say in their 30 March 2005 letter, "save that the letter now appears on your web site."

Why does the same letter demand I remove, "Richard Ottaway, the Croydon South Conservative MP, was more helpful, insisting that Broomleigh Housing Association tell me where they had hidden my breathing ventilator machine. Richard Ottaway is a solicitor, but Sarah Branson is a barrister," a statement that only criticises Cook & Partners client, Broomleigh Housing Association?

In England the best lawyers, especially barristers, are located in Central London, the best within the Temple area, in which Miss Sarah Branson works, and where England's Royal Courts of Justice building is cited.

Miss Sarah Branson is probably far too busy to bother with this web site, and regards its consequences to the extent that it has any, as trivial. I dare say Miss Sarah Branson and Geraint Davies MP would be happy to help me, if only Broomleigh Housing Association would allow them to do so.


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Harassment II

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