Roleplay Title:
You Reap What You Sew
People Featured:
Kirlia Gardevoir, Don McMichael
Opponent(s) Mentioned:
Nikita, Desire
BWF Tag Team Champion (2; w/Desire), BWF Cruiserweight Champion (1; Current), World Tag Team Champion (1; w/ Desire)
The camera opens to a flurry of images flashing onto the screen. We see pictures of Kirlia Gardevoir and Desire, the former BWF Tag Team Champions Femme Fatale. One picture that flashes onto the screen shows the two women smiling giddily as they held their BWF Tag Team Titles. Another photo flashed across the screen and we see Desire helping Kirlia up after a nasty fall in one of their matches. A third picture shows Desire crying on Kirlia’s arm over all the pain she’s had to go through with her former boyfriend and her son. Finally, we see a final pic, the same one as the first one with the Tag Titles, except that the picture is ripped in half by a pair of hands and dropped into a trash bin, followed by a couple of tears, then a fade to black…

This video package seems familiar. And it should, as this isn’t the first time we’ve seen it in BWF. The first time was a few months ago when Femme Fatale feigned a breakup of the storied group. They soon got back together, and everything was better again.

However, this breakup is nothing but real.

And on the inside, Kirlia Gardevoir, former Cruiserweight, BWF Tag and World Tag Champion, is broken. Nothing hurts more then the betrayal of a trusted friend. Nothing except the beating that said friend will receive when the time is right.

The camera fades in from black and we see Kirlia Gardevoir walking down the strip in Lowell, Massachusetts. Her face is freshly wet from tears and she looks like she hasn’t slept in days. She stops on the sidewalk and looks around, seemingly searching or waiting for someone. As the time passes, she begins talking to herself.

Kirlia: I’m sick of all this shit. I’m sick of the betrayals, I’m sick of the alliances, I’m sick of the screwjobs… I’m sick of all of it. This isn’t what wrestling is supposed to be about! I’m not in this career to be hurt mentally. Hurting on the outside is one thing, but hurting on the inside? That’s not fair! But then again, I guess I had it coming, trusting that no good cum guzzling gutter whore Desire and her jail bitch Nikita. But like the bible says, you reap what you sew. And if I get my way… come Over the Edge, Desire’s going to be all sewn up, alright… after spending the night in the hospital!

Just as she finishes the sentence, she looks up and notices lead BWF interviewer Don McMichael running across the street. He meets her on the other side and, after a friendly hug, he begins.

Don McMichael: Hello, Kirlia. How are you holding up?

Kirlia sighs and shakes her head slowly.

Kirlia: Bad. But, you know, I’m just gonna take it day by day, Don. That’s all I can really do.

Don McMichael nods.

Don McMichael: I was worried about you, you know… I mean, after all, we’re good friends, and what Desire did to you at Retribution was downright deplorable!

Kirlia looks at Don McMichael and nods.

Kirlia: And don’t forget that skank Nikita. She was just as much involved as Desire was.

Don McMichael nods as he looks down at a slip of paper he brought.

Don McMichael: Speaking of Nikita, you face her in a singles match this week on Reloaded in her in-ring debut. Your thoughts?

Kirlia looks at Don McMichael for a moment, and then grins slightly.

Kirlia: It’ll be her in-ring debut… AND her final match as an active wrestler. Because once I finish with her, she’s not going to be able to move under her own power. You get what I’m saying?

Don McMichael smiles weakly.

Don McMichael: You’ve never been in the business of ending people’s careers, Kirlia… I mean, you may not like her, and she would have it coming, but still, let’s not go overboard, alright?

Kirlia walks up close to Don and raises her voice.

Kirlia: Overboard? OVERBOARD!? What the hell do you think their pre-planned attack at Retribution was? That was overboard! No, my plans aren’t overboard… they’re simply the thoughts of a woman scorned. And hell hath no fury like that of a woman scorned, Don.

Don McMichael nods as he looks down at his paper again.

Don McMichael: So anyways… did you get a chance to see Nikita’s promo she cut against you?

Kirlia nods.

Kirlia: Yeah… that was really freaky. Probably not as freaky as some of the lesbian stuff that goes on between her and Jamie in her bedroom, but I digress… anyways, what about it?

Don McMichael: She referred to you several times as “evil”. How do you respond to that?

Kirlia: Simple… she’s a few French fries short of a happy meal. I’ve never been evil… if anything, Desire’s the one who turned to the dark side, and Nikita is the one pulling the strings… of evil! I truly hope, not even for me, but for Jamie’s soul… that she realizes this soon and breaks away from Nikita.

Don McMichael nods in response to this.

Don McMichael: You sound like you’ve given this a lot of thought, this whole partnership between Desire and Nikita.

Kirlia looks Don McMichael dead in the eyes and responds with a slightly chilling air to her voice.

Kirlia: Don, when you’ve traveled with someone, lived with someone and learned everything there is to know about someone like I did with Jamie, then you’d start doing a lot of thinking when this person suddenly attacks you and thrusts you out of their life! So yes, Don, I’ve thought a lot about this. It’s made me realize that deep down, Jamie doesn’t hate me. She’s just being controlled by Nikita. She’s been brainwashed into thinking she hates me. But that’s still not going to stop me from beating the shit out of her first chance I get. After all, she has it coming, brainwashed or not.

Don McMichael nods and offers his hand to Kirlia.

Don McMichael: Alright, well Kirlia, this was fun, and we have to do it again something, but I’m afraid I have to run for now. I’ll talk to you later, alright?

Kirlia leans in and embraces Don McMichael before giving him a friendly peck on the cheek.

Kirlia: Thank you, Don… for always being there for me. Even when we were little kids…

Kirlia smiles warmly and walks away as Don heads in the other direction and the camera fades to black.

This layout was made by Austin Pyromania and modified for the use of Kirlia Gardevoir. Thanx Austin!
Fatality Designs 2002-2004 ©