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Un-Doctrinated. Free your Mind, then the World.

Question Authority. Question Religion. Act Responsibly.

Crackling Neurons Get Onboard

This website created by Jeannette Jaquish of Fort Wayne, Indiana. If you are in Fort Wayne and interested in joining an atheist group please call me at 260 750-9013 or 260 484-5946.

gadfly, n.,: one that acts as a constructively provocative stimulus.

Join the Fort Wayne Gadflies by clicking below!

Brainstorm Central

Submit your theories. We'll compile them and make a webpage. We will not exclude any opinions unless obscene or deceptive, but try to keep them concise.

1. What really happened just before 0 A.D. that caused the birth of Christ story of the New Testament? Support your theory with bits of scripture, science, logic and human nature.

2. What has Biblical Archaeology proved and failed to prove? Are they using the scientific method? Please submit links to articles.

3. Is there any solution to the religious wars spreading across our planet?

4. What should this webpage focus on?

Email your thoughts to .

Links for the Open Minded

The Fort Wayne Gadfly Action and Debate Club
Yahoo Directory of Atheism -- some good sites.
Dangerous Logic Against Dangerous Stupidity -- by a wild guy from Fort Wayne, IN