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WarZ 7

Under work. last updated 07,July,09

Bam you gotz yourself a fully decked out dull lifeless list of the much more complexly related races of this ...Race List...

21 Main Race Categorizes

78 Sub-Races

Along with a chromosome based Mixed Racial selection ≈ 28 so far have a fair bases.

This along with a vast selection of skills that can be gain from different trainers all over the worlds.

Elven planets give you a large vast amount of land to explore and battle over.

21 countries spread out over the vast galaxy that can all be joined or fought against allied with or wage war against.

Will give more ≈'s of skills spells items armors and weapons.Classifications of spell/skill classes.

An a list of a ...blanked out... lost track sorry. Maybe more later...?