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Gnawer house -
Found near the beach in a posh neighbourhood the sept is the picture of beauty. The sprawling 20 acre estate is also the epitome of privacy, a tall brink wall surrounding the entirety of the grounds. The outlying homes and areas around the main estate are also owned by various garou and kinfolk which helps keeps the surrounding bawn safe from the prying eyes of would be mortal residents.
Upon entering gaining entrance through a gate and call box, any visitor is caught by the beauty of the huge fountain that greets you. Sparkling crystal it depicts a large man wearing a huge cowboy hat and smoking a cigar. The fountain pays tribute to the sept's totem, the Ol' Mighty Dolla and garou and kin alike that enter the sept must toss some kind of coinage into the fountain as chiminage to the great totem.
The estates gardens are beautiful and serves as the main bawn area. The garden also offers several out of the way areas with various chairs and tables that can be used for private conversations. There is an olympic sized swimming pool that is open to all sept members, and the bottom tiles of the pool have the glyph of the totem in 24 karat gold. There are various small "guest houses" that serve has meeting places for each of the tribes and changing breeds that are represented at the sept. Near the pool is a large ring set off by torches that serves as a challenge circle where the Master of the Challenge oversees any challenges.
The focal point of the entire estate is the main house, the Crystal Fountain Mansion, home to the sept elders and other high ranking garou. It features a library, shooting range, bowling alley, movie theater, weight room, training room, and very large kitchen and formal dining room that can seat 50 people. The elders have taken special care to make sure that there are things to do for the more rage filled garou, something to keep them entertained when they are not attending to their duties.
The Council of Elders is an interesting group of garou, The Grand Elder is Diego "Easy Money" Sanchez. A dark skinned, handsome man. A philodox of the Glass Walkers, he is just as likely to be relaxing by the pool as he is to be holed up in his office. His right hand man is a Shadow Lord by the name of Romeo "Bling Bling" Castilla. He serves as the sept's Warder as well as the Keeper of the Land. Rumor has it that he likes to punish people that do not give proper chiminage at the fountain, but those rumors have yet to really be confirmed. The Child of Gaia Ritemistress is Jasmine "Hourglass" Dupree, a somewhat quiet woman, she likes to stay out of the way of the more business oriented garou, but she does seem to have thing for timepieces and is never without her pocketwatch. The Master of the Challenge is a scruffy Bone Gnawer named Big O, a full moon by birth but a tinkerer of some repute.
The sept is one of Plenty, almost anything you could ever need can be found here in some form or fashion, but the sept is also one of unity, with garou and other changing breeds living together, not in perfect unity, but at least most of the Sept members recognize that Gaia's cause is furthered better by working together than by having internal fights and battles.
Note: this is mark 1 of the sept web page, and as the design of the sept expands, so will this site. Starky.