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Jeremy Ing's Domain:The Truth Has To Be told!

There are a lot of things that are gonna be on this site. Im the fucking gay shovel face that wore a table clothed clown suite to prom. I'm such a loser! (This site is unoficial and if you happen to stumble upon it by accident keep in mind that no one is to blame for your being a spic,nigger-coon,chink-shovel, or a kike. If you were born that way, please kill yourself now. [all jokes on this site are intended to make you laugh and are not to be taken seriously,even though I am serious!!]

My Favorite Web Sites

Racist jokes
Hunt them NIGGERS DOWN!!!-The official KKK site.
Angelfire HTML Library
HTML Gear - free polls, guestbooks, and more!

Cats- I love kittens, and bunnies their my favourite animals. They definately do not remind me of niggers.

The tale about the SHOVEL FACED ONE

This will be one of the greatest tales ever told. It's about... ME, and the chinese civilization, which I have created. There may be many different versions of what other pepople may think to be the truth. But this is the only real truth. First, let me tell you about the time machine. There is a time machine. I used it to go back in time, and this is where it all bagan. After I had gone back far enough in time, i stopped traveling backwards in time and got out of my time machine. I had also brought a shovel with me. Yes, in my time machine.
I found one of the uglyest people I could have ever imagined, and raped it in the face with my shovel of purification. Yeah, thats right, I purified the hell out the bitches face. Then, after i was done purifying, I went back in time and purified it some more because it was much fun beating the hell out of someones face with a shovel.

As, a dog marks their teritory, I decided to urinate all over the person which was now passed out on the ground. Bleeding from the, flat face, and now yellow covered-skin, the thing was styll laying there on the ground.

I thought this would be a prefect time to recite my dance of evil. */me Began Danicng In Circles* Seconds... pass by, and I decide to continue my reshaping of this fiends face. This cat eating villan was slowly beginning to move.

"Move you fucking CHINK", and then I slapped the chink in the face with my shovel one last time. This was the very frist chink. I really wish i werent a shovel myself, most of the time I enjoy pretending I'm white! All created by me-the chinks. I then took my time machine and came back to the present to tell this mirculous tale. From that day on, all chinks are piss-skinned and flat face.
On a more personal note. My stupid chink ate my sute little kitten I named Porno. He was Italian. . . . . . . . I live on an Island and I bought myself a butler monkey. My monkey wanted a butler monkey too, so it bought itself a nigger.
-by jeremy ing

This fine, fine evening I felt like beating on some fucking jews. I fucking hate all them bitch ass jews. They should burn themselves. All of them. On this same thought... I started up my time machine and I went back to World War Two. As soon as I arrived in jew central. I went up and congratulated hitler. He didn't believe me when I told him, he was gonna die and he wouldn't get to talk over the world. But, he made me one of his soldiers anyways. And, he decided to give me a catapolt, and as many slave jews as I want.

I love catapolts. I ordered my jewish slaves to walk onto the catapolt, and then I launched them myself. It was raining jews all day, I was definately having fun on that day. After I got bored of the stupid jewish people just randomly dropping everywhere- including the big fire ovens, I decided to fo back to hitler and tell him what I've done. He congratulated me and presented me with and honorary shovle. He named it the shovel of Anti-jew.

I took my wonderful new preasent and I ordered my jewsish slaves to catapolt themselves towards me. At the horrific speed they were flying, I managed to shovel face some of them. I spent years there. It was awesome. Fucking dumb jewes. And then I had sex with arans sister and rubbed it in his face. Because he a jew. The End!

Jeremy Ing says: it was funny Candace Gardiner says: funny ha-ha or funny like "I'm Jeremy the flying chink-Hitler, I'm evil, I think that's funny even though it's TERRIFYING!"


[I copied all of this stuff directly from the conversaitons as they happoned]

___This conversation is between Some Girl and my important rich faggety-faggot faced self.___

(*****).. .... .... .... .. .... says: ahahaha.. ur so funny

Jeremy Ing says: lol

Jeremy Ing says: what can i say

(*****).. .... .... .... .. .... says: notice the sarcasm in that line? like honestly... i'd rather hang myself then listen to a stupid joke again

Jeremy Ing says: ill give you a rope

(*****).. .... .... .... .. .... says: fuck u

Jeremy Ing says: lol

Jeremy Ing says: no i definately wouldnt do you

(*****).. .... .... .... .. .... says: okay no wonder why i stoped talking to u.. ur fuckin immature

**She then ignores me, and unignores me.( I think its friggin' funny.) We get along fine...shes an amazing person to talk to when shes drunk and she looks hot in her msn pic. I think shes a bitch and I've had enough of her broadish moaning. So I let Ali Al-Shamari talk to her on my msn and he simply told her she was cut from the team. Then she ignored me permanently.

___Ali adds, and tells ***** shes been cut on his man list___ (Ali) •§corpio• -7 days- says: ** If u want to,I can save u,I can take u away from here,So lonely inside,So busy out there,And all u wanted,was someone who cares has been blocked** If u want to says: who's this? •§corpio• -7 days- says: your cut **Then ***** (notice the small * at the beginning of her name- this makes her unimportant) decides to unignore me to tell me IM immature and she tells me never to talk to here again. I find this funny... But I am Jeremy Ing-the king of gay, gay will prevail!

**I don't know if its true or not, but I'm gonna halfto agree with me being gay because I have no friends ...AND I HATE Myself.** It's time to go have a masturbate...