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IMG SRC="HL2.gif" WIDTH=200 HEIGHT=200>


A link would go here

Another link could be had here

Here is where a savvy HTML LIbrary user would place another link

The Best Place in the World to Work!

Casual Fridays

"Yet another setback"
Oct.8th As Most of us know A few weeks back a Half-Life 2 source code was stolen, further delaying the wait for what is sure to be the "Game of the year". This coming after Valve announced its delays for the production of Half-Life 2 in September, has only further agonized most of us HL Gamers. Valve is neck-deep in water already after steam was released, however we all can agree that steam is definetly better than that other WON shit they replaced, however things are sure to go smoother when Steam Becomes "Official"


____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Even if this is a little late.... Steam Released! Valves new Program called steam, will bring alot of new changes to your games if you download it. An easy interface with a menu will allow you to pick any game you want to play, granted you have the game installed. A friends feature has been added and saves you alot of time that would have been spent trying to find out what server your friends are playing on, so you can jump into the game as quickly as possible. TFC and CS have been totally updated with new weapons, equipment, maps terrian effects and more. Go ahead and get your steam. Get Steam Now!

Having a Mohawk was really cool. At first I felt silly, but after a couple days, I got quite used to it and actually embraced it. I liked being the "Mohawk Guy."

But how great is a workplace when it is encouraged to come in dressed for Halloween. Folks have been known to wear shirts with dirty words on them, or shorts in the cold of winter, and shoes are entirely optional. Some of my co-workers have even dyed their hair "crazy colors" like blue.

Normally blue is not a crazy color, like salmon, but when referring to hair, I think this qualifier is on the money.