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The Band


Dan plays lead guitar. And he does those vocal thingies. yea. you get the picture. Dan's also a long haired dude. his hair's very straight. and brown he wishes it was curly. he's also french canadian... hes been playing 1 1/2 years. but hes really really good cause he's been playing violin since 5th or 6th grade. i dont know. he also skates... dont even ask how long he's been skating for... cause he's a poser. just kidding. He's been skating 4 or 5 years i think he is ghettoriffic. he has been known too spontaniously combust on monday mornings


Sam plays bass and he also thinks hes lead singer. He wishes he was irish. He has a very interesting childhood. Sometimes he forgets his pill and spazes out on the floor trying to lick his ear. He has long dirty blonde hair thats very curly. umm oh yea he's very slow mentaly. he's been playing about a year. but hes really good cause hes been playing string bass since 5th grade. He also skates.. hes been skating 1 year about and can do lots of nifty flipermajigers. Oh yea and he explodes sometimes.


alex plays rythym guitar and has a asian type last name. He's good, especially for only been playing for a month. But that's because he's been playing cello/string bass since 5th grade... He's asian!! From Korea. And he has a very scary grandma who dosent speak english and yells alot. he has cool short black hair that we are forcing him to grow out. He also skates... hes been skating for like half a year....


elijah is now in our band.. he is playing back up bass in like 1/3 of the songs and he is in charge of the technical stuff... cause hes a computer nerd. just kidding. he has long hair too. its brown with yellow hi lites but the hilites are growing out. oh yea and its really curly. like the opposite of dans. ha. well once dans was curly. but thats not the point. anyways, elijah skates too and hes been skating like 1/2 of a year yea... he is getting better. oh yea and his house sucks to sleepover at cause you have to go to bed early so dont even try.


Bobby's not in our band yet but we're hopeful. He would be our head-bangin drummer.