NiE index »  Probabilites for charges in the game Napoleon in Europe

Chargebonus    Probability (%) Corresponding exact probabilites * 1/1296
Attacker  Defender   Net
A - D
 A wins  draw  D wins  A's killed  D's killed  A's routed  D's routed  A wins  draw  D wins  A's killed  D's killed  A's routed  D's routed
 +5   0   +5   90    4    5    1   76   14    4  1170 56 70 15 986 184 55
+4 0 +4 84 6 10 3 66 18 7 1090 80 126 35 861 229 91
+3 0 +3 768165562010 986 104 206 70 721 265 136
+2 0 +2 66102410442214 861 125 310 126 575 286 184
+1 0 +1 56113416342218 721 140 435 206 435 286 229

 0   0   0  44 11 44 24 24 20 20 575 146 575 310 310 265 265

 0   +1   -1  34 11 56 34 16 18 22 435 140 721 435 206 229 286
0 +2 -2 24106644101422 310 125 861 575 126 184 286
0 +3 -3 168765631020 206 104 986 721 70 136 265
0 +4 -4 10684663718 126 80 1090 861 35 91 229
0 +5 -5 5490761414 70 56 1170 986 15 55 184

A little example: Heavy cavalry with combined arms charges squared Militia:
heavy cav. +1
combined arms +1
cav. vs inf. +2
inf. is squared-3

inf. is militia -1


Attacker has a net charge bonus of +2 (Attacker +2, Defender 0), Net +2 column above shows a 66% probability for cavalry to win and only 10% chance of getting cavalry wiped out. Chance to eleminate the militia is almost fifty-fifty (44%).
A pretty sound decision will be to conclude the charge, but keep in mind that heavy cav. costs 12 prod. while militia cost only 4. If militia should fail to square net bonus gets +5 and militia is toast.