-------------------< EXTENSIONS >------------------ ---------------------------------------------- LAND BATTLE ---------------------------------------------- Leader upgrade: (proposition) (from forum:Claus Westh modified) When a not upgraded leader (own or allied) is directing an offensive charge, adding +1 to charges, and the charging allied or own unit dices 12 (boxcar) and kills the opponent. The directing (own or allied leader) may recieve one upgrade. It also recieves a name, chosen by the player of that nation, if it survives. Roll 2D6: 2D6 Result Now gives ---------------------------------------------------------- 2 Leader dies 3-6 another +1 to charge combat (+2 to charges) 7-8 another +2 to initiative roll (+4 to initiative) 9-10 +1 to rally (+1 to rally) 11-12 another +1 to Minor Nation (+2 to overturing minor nations) Diplomatic Overture rolls (MNDOr) Note the leaders name and special upgrade. Napoleon always starts with +1 to rally, plus one other random upgrade (not another +1 to rally). Let France roll 2D6 to decide. Reroll if 2,9-10 turns up. If an named and upgraded leader (not Napoleon) is killed he counts as two casulties. Towards battle casulties normal leaders only counts as one unit. Commitment Rating (CR): (proposition) Add 2 to each base CR value for each nation. Then for each commitment roll (cr) your nation is subjected to, give a nation-marker of your country to the enemy nation(s) causing the cr. You must also give each of its/their allies who are at war with you a marker. No nation may recieve more than one nation-marker per cr. Next cr caused by enemy A must be equal or below CR+2-n to succeed. n == "number of your own nation-markers belonging to enemy A before cr" Former enemies that have made peace must return all nation-markers belonging to the former foe(s). If several enemies cause your cr you are subjected to the worst one, the one with most of your nation-markers. ----------------------------------------------- LAND MOVEMENT ----------------------------------------------- Crossing Straights: (from Alan Richbourg: CTG Manual for Napoleon in Europe) Crossing Straights is a special form of amphibious movement and landing used between: Sweden and Denmark Constantinople and Anatolia (Osman player might be exempted. See below.) Gibraltar and Andalusia Gibraltar and Western Spain It is identical to moving and landing amphibiously as normal between these regions except: 1) The moving nation does not require any naval squadrons to escort the moving land units. 2) Enemy naval squadrons in the Baltic Sea may try to intercept units moving between Sweden and Denmark, in the Black Sea between Constantinople and Anatolia (Osman see below.), in the Barbary Coast between Gibraltar and Andalusia, and in the Mid Atlantic between Gibraltar and Western Spain. If the Osman player owns the provinces of Constantinople and Anatolia, and neither are occupied by enemy troops, he moves normally between those provinces.