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Other pages are in progress.

Welcome to Clan TG, The Garden of SeeDs

WARNING: With the result of Clan Meeting on May 29, 2004; clan leaders had decides on the following to deal with clan members:
  • Members that are non-active over the course of ten (10) days will be remove, period.
  • Members that are under fifty percent (50%) overall will be remove from clan. So start winning those games folks!!
Please note: If you know you are going to be over ten (10) days in-active, and still want to be in the clan, please say so in your profile and we will take it into considerations.

June 06, 2004
Thanx to PoiuYtRewqX, our new site is up and running today. There are still many things to be add, but this is a great start!!
We are still looking for a forum, if you know where to get one please let us know, thanx!

June 05, 2004
Today is clan clean up, so far Bio had removed members over ten-days (10) in-active, except Naz that is. The 50% ones will be deal with shortly. So use these times to bring back those percentages fellow members!!!

p.s. I can see a bright future ahead for our clan as our channel starting to have members comes and go again. :) ><

June 04, 2004
Today is a good day for our Channel Clan TG, we got as much as twelve (12) peps in channel at one time....thats a lot considered the facts that this clan mostly have non-active members. Way to go LoneStalker for a woopy 80+ points on the trivia bot!!! :).

Clan Members



wcreplays - a good place for replays

Webmaster PoiuYtRewqX & NeoClouD