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Thankyou To Everybody Who Took The Time And Effort To Try And Help, It Is Much Appreciated And Have Been Asked To Thank Everybody Who Read's This And Does What They Can To Help The Parent's Of This Beautiful Child, Please Sign our Geust Book, Or If You Could Do A Little More Maybe Email A Friend And Start A Petition Of You're Own...Thank You Once Again

--Article From Sydney Morning Herald--

A Supreme Court judge has criticised the NSW Health department for repeatedly discharging from a psychiatric hospital a dangerous patient who killed a five-year-old girl and sexually assaulted her body.

Schizophrenic Timothy Kosowicz, 23, was found not guilty of the murder and assault of Chloe Hoson on the grounds he was suffering a mental illness when he suffocated and strangled her at a caravan park at Lansvale, in Sydney's south west, in November, 2003.

Kosowicz will be kept in a prison psychiatric hospital until the NSW Mental Health Review Tribunal deems him no longer a danger to himself or others.

But Justice David Patten said as he ordered Kosowicz's indefinite detention: "I find it difficult to escape the conclusion that the community failed Chloe.

"Practitioners in mental health had known for years that the accused was an habitual and heavy user of illegal drugs; that he was mentally ill; that he was subject to florid psychiatric episodes in which he was aggressive and dangerous to himself and others; and that he was recalcitrant when it came to following regiments of medication laid down for him."

The judge also said he believed Kosowicz's cannabis use triggered his psychotic episodes.

"This seems to be yet another example of the link between cannabis use and mental illness, a link which from my judicial experience and reading, I regard as well established," he said.

Chloe's father, Michael Hoson, said outside court that he believed Kosowicz was mentally ill but should be locked up for the rest of his life.

Kosowicz had asked mental health workers for help, told them he felt he was a danger to society and if mental health workers had listened to his pleas for help, his daughter would still be alive, Mr Hoson said.

"It's more the mental health system that has failed. If they had listened to what he had to say in the first place, Chloe would still be here," Mr Hoson told the Nine Network.

"Basically, (Kosowicz said) he needed help, he feels he is a danger to society and himself. Like `please help me' and once again they released him back on to the street. A short period later he did what he did to my daughter."

But he said regardless of his illness Kosowicz should be institutionalised for the rest of his natural life.

"There should be no reviews, no nothing. He should be punished for the crime he has committed," he said.

The court earlier heard that the last time Kosowicz was discharged from a mental hospital was only weeks before the killing, despite his constant psychotic episodes.

He killed Chloe after luring her to his caravan supposedly to play with his cat.

In a video recorded police interview played to the court, Kosowicz admitted to the murder but said he was hearing voices during the crime.

"She spilt my pot on the ground and then I lost the plot," he said.

"Then I blacked out and next thing I was strangling her in my bedroom."

He said the little girl would not die so he then tied two plastic bags over her head until she stopped moving.

He then placed her on his bed and indecently assaulted her before tying her hands and feet up, placing her in a plastic bag and putting the body in his cupboard.

As You Have Read, Timothy Kosowicz Clearly Came Out Of His Rage...And Still Proceeded To Commit This Act, If He Was Even In A Rage! He Lured This Poor Girl Into His Caravan Probably With The Intention To Harm Her... :'( Please To All The Parent's Out There Imagine What My Friend Is Going Through Knowing That This Man Might One Day Walk Free And Has A Not Guilty Charge, We Need To Set An Example That Claiming Insanity When You Have Been Released Is Not Acceptable...He Ovbiously Convinced Them He Was Saine Enough To Walk Free And Should Be Punished Accordingly So...So Please Visit Our Link's Email Somebody You Know, To Come Here And Sign The Petition Or Ring A Television Station If You Could Maybe Then Some Real Action Will Be Taken...

This Site Is Dedicated To Karina And Her Daughter Chloe...And We Wish To Say Know So Many Love You...
